I know there is a lot going on but I need to get something off my chest.

Yesterday 4YO had a dentist appointment. There was a bit of anxiety going in because it's tough to keep her still as it is let alone with a masked stranger shoving metal things in her mouth.

I digress...
Hygienist comes in. She says hi to 4YO.i quickly explain... ASD. Non speaking. We just want to see how this goes.

Hygienist is a star. We take lots of breaks. Lots of reassurance. 4YO does better than I could have imagined. I'm very proud.
Hygienist asks if we should try the dentist or has she had enough?

Let's try.

The dentist comes in. No hellos. Straight to business. She asks 4YO to open up. Again I step in.

ASD. Non speaking. She won't respond to you but she understands just give her a second.
Hygienist, again a star, suggests using the mirror as she had success with that.

Dentist uses it. Has a look.

I have no concerns.


If you ever do have concerns I suggest taking her elsewhere.
It took me a second to process this.

There were no struggles. No screaming. No squirming. 4YO did let the dentist have a look just oh I dunno.... 10 seconds later than she wanted to.

But I should take her elsewhere.

Because she has autism.
The next few moments were like trying to come back from a punch.

I explained how we wanted to try her here first before making any decisions.

Dentist nodded. Something about the staff not being trained and she was gone.
To her credit the hygienist looked me right in the eye immediately and said "she did great. She can come here."

My daughter did do great. Not for a 4YO with autism. She did great FOR A 4 YEAR OLD.

She's not just a diagnosis and it made me so sad she was treated that way.
Every night at bed time the last thing I say is
I love you.
I'm proud of you.
And I'm so happy I'm your dad.

Last night I added SO proud of you at the dentist today!

She was so happy. You could see she was proud of herself. That's what I will take away from the day.
That and I still have to fill out the "How did we do?" questionnaire they sent via email.
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