🏆Brilliant, one of the best I've seen.
Rolls out funny, quickly becomes so sinister and spot-on it's chilling.

I have never masked.
I will not.
The mask is a lie. https://twitter.com/ShuggShackel/status/1298645291294392323
Masks have negligible usefulness, but carry health risk to the wearer (mental health risk + physical).

Government, corporations, edu, grocery stores, etc... have not met the threshold of proof to override human rights.
Not even close.

Medical tyranny.
Larger risk is communism.
Virus won't kill as many as economic collapse, despair, stress related illness, neglect, broken dreams, abuse, poverty, and long-term oppression.

Mask up = Vax up
Give up right to assemble, right to work = submission
"New normal" = NWO

/end thread/
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