This thread describes almost all of what i am about. My economic, political and social values and beliefs. Click on the retweets to read it all.
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I feel like before i engage in twitter further, i need to make clear some things to those i interact with I am an anti-homophobic, anti-racist, anti-xenophobic, anti-fossil fuel, and anti-war kinda guy I am a feminist and strong advocate for economic rights and social safety nets
I am also and most importantly a huge Pan-Africanist. I am against foreign imperialism (be it east or west) & financial manipulation in form of loans and aid. I believe in African self-reliance and buildup of local industries. I advocate for SHARP increase in Intra-African trade.
I believe social justice without economic justice is one step foward but two steps back. I believe in equality for all people regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation or religion Just because i aint Christian doesn't mean i won't fight for your right to worship.
I believe in my right and that of many black & African men & women to rock natural hair I'm a strong supporter of social safety nets. Healthcare and education being key in that regard Climate change is real so go green. But (unpopular opinion) I support nuclear as a green option.
I don't know if this is is a popular or unpopular opinion but here goes...USA, China and their allies need to withdraw all their military bases from African soil. The UN peacekeepers are tolerable so long as they maintain neutrality and are majority African while on African soil.
I think I've said all i need to say. That's how I'd define an African progressive. Oh, and Wangari Maathai, Stella Nyanzi, MLK, Seretse Khama and Mandela are some of my heroes To finish off, lemme quote Martin Luther King "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
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