cursed hypothesis: the average age of peak attractiveness for women is steadily declining, and could easily descend below the age of consent
I know this is not a new thought but it's been on my mind (because of extraordinary things like #QAnon & mundane things like attractive young people at the beach) and now I am freshly creeped out

- women's liberation /sexual revolution/ social progressiveness /etc makes young people less sexually reserved
- misogynistic attitudes infantilise & objectify women
- change in nutrition & medicine (e.g. fats, hormones) makes young bodies look sexually mature sooner and older bodies look less healthy
- our idea of the normal bell curve of attractiveness is distorted by ultra skinny fashion models & image-obsessed social media & photoshopped ads & AI image filters & cosmetic surgery
Also I know "average age of peak attractiveness" oversimplifies a million subjectivities and complexities but I think it is a useful heuristic nonetheless.
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