Starting! They're in Shueisha!
Matsumoto-kun wants to learn more about Oda-san. They talk about how he won't reveal his face.
Giving records the seires has broken etc.

They show respect to other jump series
Naito-san is here!!!! They recognize him from quiz programs.

They enter the editorial office and enplore. Talk about Haikyu etc.
They find a replica of Laws sword and play with it. They find the unreleased Jump issues. They play with various office stuff and find a fan letter box for Toriyama-sensei
They find copies of the manuscript with Pound swimming toward Bege which was still unreleased.

Annnnnd Oda is here!!
Oda appears at the end of the office and it's 23 years since Oda is seeing the original manuscript of chap 1 pulled from the archives.
Oda is eager to see and says, "Wow...this is pretty good." Lolllll
Oda says after 4,5 years left in story.
Oda says end is decided and editors know. Editor says the end is awesome.
Ono says he couldn't find himself in the colorspread bc hair was red. Oda says it's bc hes like Chopper.
Video of Oda doing the Arashi spread. Expect it to be uploaded.
Aiba says his mouth is huge. Oda says it's beaausehe heard him speaking loud on the radio. Matsujun was the toughest to draw. He had several patterns.
Looking at Odas work week.
Talking about how OP failed approval process 3 times before being published.
Oda always wanted to be at Jump bc of Toriyama. No other manga publication. He says he is a one-hit-wonder...just a veeeeery long hit.
His longest phone call for consulting with editor was 12 hours.
Oda says atm is NOT at his house. Lolllll
Lol! Sugita recalls Oda's first words to him were "Editor change pls!" Joke
Lol!!!! Oda has spent a truckload of money on a game. i'm Gonna bet pokemon or pocket animal crossing.
Oh! On his own game! Lol!!! Smartphone games!
He cries during drawing his manuscripts. When Rebecca reunited with her father....
He was very late handingit in. Sugita was under pressure from above and angry at Oda but when he saw it he cried. Odasaid he did too.
Oda's best three scenes!!!!!
3 skypiea campfire he wanted to draw this more than anything in the arc. The arc was for that scene
2 entering sabaody playing w bubbles. Bc Robin was friendly and such
1 opening spreadof Wano
Odawanted to draw ninjas earlier but didnt bc of Naruto.
Who Oda considers Top 3 Geniuses ("not includding Toriyama bc that would be unfair to anyone else")
3 Staff of Golden Eggs (comedy anime)
2 Matsumoto Taiyo
1 Seiya (comedian)
Oda loves to watch Japanese comedians on TV then research them on YouTube
When Oda Feels Happiest
3 with OP anime staff at USJ and such
2 when meat gets pink after cooked
1 Kenkou Land (spa)
Loves to go with his family. Has food and video games so hes set.
Okay! That's about it!
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