The financial stats for black communities in the UK are so dire, yet you’re asking if it’s ‘bummy’ to be 30+ and living at home lmao
I keep saying it, the conversations we have on finance are devoid from our actual reality and it’s irritating.
We should be using conversations on finance to encourage each other, share tips, give advice etc... Not flexing and useless banter. We are literally not privileged enough to be having these inane conversations lmao
With the economic downturn partly induced by COVID, coupled with the effects of BREXIT, times will get tough in the UK for many! And as we know, ethnic minority groups will be disproportionately affected. We need to be elevating discussions on how we deal with these pressures
Also, a conversation I was having with my G this morning- our parents will be approaching retirement age in the next 10-20 years; this will bring with it added financial responsibility for most of us. These are things we need to be discussing from NOW.
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