hi thread about the white lady's relationships with the other higher beings!
Things To Know
1. Speculation/interpretation heavy.
2. Grimm/NKG are different entities
3. Higher Beings discussed here will include the Pale King, the Radiance, Unn, and the Nightmare King. For her relationship on the Vessels read this thread: https://twitter.com/hakunoknight/status/1295310253056241666?s=19
4. In the interest of transparency, I'll admit I dislike PK and Ghost. It won't affect this analysis, but I'd feel weird if I didn't get it out there.
5. lesbian agenda is real in this house lol
I'll start with her relationship with PK. It has the most attention in the game and thus is the easiest to dig into. I think it's very easy to just say they love each other and then bad things happened, but I think there's more to them than just that.
They definitely cared about each other, but it doesn't seem like it was the healthiest relationship - especially towards the end. Canon evidence for their relationship is pretty numerous and has an interesting range/story with it:
1. The Kingsoul - the most obvious thing we have for them, but it also shows their real power was in ruling together/being joined
2. PK's statue in the Queen's Garden - not too much meaning here besides the fact it seems uncared for (okay, that's just lesbian agenda sorry)
3. The secret room within the Palace. This is arguably more telling of their relationship than the Kingsoul. Despite PK leaving/dying, he leaves a place for her within his retreat. He, at the very least, seems to have missed her terribly during that final stretch.
Just from those little things we can say they did genuinely care for one another. That being said, these also highlight the dysfunctional nature of their relationship. They may have been equals, but I don't think they were a good match. Of course, I'm talking about the Vessels.
There's no canon evidence that WL ever spoke out against it, in fact I would think she did the opposite and ignored it. I have talked about her being a passive figure and this is precisely what I mean; she did not speak out and afterwards, instead of confrontation, she left.
PK himself seems to have retreated into his workshop/Palace. He didn't reach out to her and she in turn allowed his destructive behavior. PK would've benefitted from a challenge or someone to tell him to at least step back, and she didn't. She was, perhaps, the only one who could
There's a lot more I could say about them but the long story short is that they cared for each other, but were too emotionally distant to be good for one another. Also. She's fine he's dead.
We're moving onto WL/Radiance and WL/Unn. I have nothing.

This is a joke, but it's all heavy speculation. I have been reading the Higher Beings as things that have... counterparts? And things that are too similar cannot really coexist.
So, for counterparts we have NKG/Radi, WL/PK, and lifeblood/abyss. That last bit is shakier but it's also not important so I won't dwell on it. Now, with these counterparts they're more or less opposites or at least not super similar.
NKG/Radi are the most obvious example of the former but they're also hostile to one another. Dream and Nightmare with neither stronger than the other and being forced to coexist (though it seems Radi is more annoyed about this than NKG)
Then we have PK/WL who are more of the latter. They're both... light adjacent, but WL less so. She's moreso leaning towards a "life" aspect in my opinion. They don't really fit the same way NKG/Radi do, but I like to think that's because they're a bad match.
Knowing this, I think in another life, WL and Radi could've... not murdered each other? I guess? WL seems to look down on the whole minds regressing thing but honestly, I have no idea. I doubt they'd be any better of a match than PK/WL.
What about Unn? Well, it seems like Unn doesn't have a counterpart. This could why she's so weak, but, there's another part to this theory. Remember when I said things that are too equal cannot coexist? We have two examples of that: PK/Radi and WL/Unn.
PK/Radi are both "light" aligned beings and you do not need to see this thread to know they did not like each other.

WL/Unn is less clear for people less familiar with lore but WL did takeover the Queen's gardens which formally belonged to Unn's kids.
A lore tablet specifically states the WL took it over and that mosskin should be "wary" of her. In the game, both the WL and Unn are beings associated with "life" which makes them another example of similar things not coexisting. Only, in this case, the WL does win.
Which brings us to NKG. I doubt anyone needs this part but whatever. Before the grimmchild's final ascension, WL is relatively neutral on it. She bemoans the Troupe's "descent" into Hallownest but she ultimately doesn't push Ghost into abandoning them.
I don't think she really has any specific problem with NKG so much as she does with the Troupe. In my mind, the Troupe are, essentially, vultures. Most within the game dislike or are wary of them, but they are truly only there to scavenge and leave.
While there's implication NKG wants Hallownest, this is also from the WL and as I've said, I find her a bit unreliable. There's nothing else to support it besides her iirc especially since they leave once the Ritual is done.
But, getting back to it, for someone who helped her husband keep their kingdom "eternal" it only makes sense she'd dislike their presence. I'm sure PK was way more pissed about them showing up than she was.
I do not know how to end this thread beyond saying: stan Lady Root. Follow me for more Root. Love the Root and her flaws. Also she's a lesbian. bye. ✨
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