1/n Up until very recently I respected the Republican Party and conservatism.
2/n Up until recently, while personally liberal or progressive on a lot of issues, I also considered myself libertarian and wouldn’t take my progressive views out the front door as they conflicted with the libertarianism
3/n up until recently (all the way up to the dem primaries) I voted both parties and have been register as D, R, and I
4/n up until recently I could still respect Trump supporters and my respect for republicans lasted even longer. Again I even voted for some R’s
5/n up until recently voting straight ticket was the stupidest thing I ever heard and I judged ppl who did it as just not knowing enough and blindly following the crowd
6/n up until recently I was a fucking idiot
7/n assuming Biden wins- our past 4 presidents by party are Bush2/Trump and Obama/Biden

That’s all you need to know about the Republican Party and the Democratic Party and what you’re voting for in November
8/n the cost and loss of lives Bush’s leadership cost us with just the war on terrorism and the financial crisis and the cost and loss of lives Trump has cost us with Covid and race relations are things that will haunt this country for a looong time
9/ and no fucking way would I put an R in power again after these last two fuckups
10/ if you seriously believe Dems hate America and blah blah blah but someone how respect the party that was Bush’s and is now Trumps with all the destruction they’ve caused I have no idea what to say to you
11/ up until recently I would have never imagined being embarrassed and ashamed to be an American
12/ up until recently I thought the “I’m moving to Canada if ___ happens” ppl were stupid
13 up until recently the “when I travel I say I’m Canadian” ppl were even stupider and pussies
But now I get it. And the saddest part is it just keeps getting worse. I was a “it can’t happen here” person

It was happening here, it is happening here, and will continue to do so. Fuck 2020
End thread. End the Republican Party.
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