some people really don’t understand what bisexuality actually is so let me (a bisexual girl) run it down for you
often bisexuality is defined as someone who is sexually attracted to both men and women
however it can also mean being sexually attracted to more than one gender
people often presume that being bisexual means being equally attracted to men and women , however lots of bisexuals have a different preference and you are completely valid whatever your preference
you can still identify as bisexual , and be attracted to men , women , and people who identify as enby or gender fluid
let me clarify :
bisexuals are NOT cheaters

this is a hugely harmful stereotype and hugely perpetuates biphobia in non-bisexual people

people don’t cheat based on sexuality
bisexuals are NOT greedy

we are simply just people who have a different preference to you and we are as valid as you
bisexuals are not sex toys

we do not exist for your pleasure

do not fetishise us

that is a form of biphobia
biphobia exists in both the lgbtq+ and het communities and it needs to stop
bisexuals are completely valid
please educate yourself
if i have missed anything please reply down below , obviously i am not perfect so if you are bisexual and feel that i have got something wrong then feel free to educate me
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