1) My name is Michael. I am that most hated of creatures in 2020's America: a gun carrying, God fearing, conservative white male.

Born in '61 in the Midwest to two loving parents who taught me right from wrong, to love God with all my heart & the benefits of hard work.
2) I was taught to respect my elders and those in authority over me...sometimes the 'hard way', but I learned the lessons none the less. I was taught to love my country and respect it's flag.

More advanced lessons included honor, duty & sacrifice.
3) With these valuable lessons under my belt as a young man, I began to form my own political opinions. I began to see racial injustices...but not in the ways you might think. I saw how a sector of American society had been leveraged by unscrupulous people for political gains.
4) Frankly, seeing their situation & knowing they weren't provided the same life lessons I had been blessed with, I couldn't blame them for allowing themselves to be used. Under the circumstances, it seemed like a win/win for them.

It wasn't.
5) Fast forward to 2008. Although I would never bring myself to vote for Obama, when he won, I was truly happy for black America. I really was. It was my consultation prize. At least it might bring them some peace. America comes full circle.

Then...Obama stoked the flames. 🔥
6) In conclusion, well...here we are. Race relations have NEVER been worse in my 59 years. The circle is broken.

The moral of the story: A) There's no substitute for a good upbringing. B) Make God the center of your life. C) Don't be a political pawn. D) Think for yourself. ✝️🇺🇸
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