i love hearing how my work affected people, it's humbling and inspirational to know something i made helped tip the scales and maybe saved someone more years of dysphoria.

but i'll be honest with you, such messages can be petrifying. heartbreaking. and i get them monthly. https://twitter.com/MarcyKingUltra/status/1298714032925364225
let me tell you that a week has not gone by without me thinking about this comment on my transitioning video in the nearly two years since it came out. comments like this keep me up at night sometimes, because i know the stats and i know this country.
imagine a stranger telling you in no uncertain terms that something you made inspired them to make a choice that got them kicked out of their parents' house, perhaps permanently, and then thanking you. "i watched your vid, i came out as trans, now i'm homeless; thank you."
what do you do with that information? how do you process it?

i don't know. i don't think i ever will. more to the point, i think that if messages like this ever inspire anything less in me than pure holy terror, i ought to be immediately taken out back and shot.
i like knowing that my work is important to people, even as that responsibility terrifies me at times. i don't know what else to say, really, except that i hope you're still alive, and i hope you're as happy as you can be.
i made the transitioning video to be an expression of pain, a knife that maybe a handful of people would recognize. that literally tens of thousands of people identified with it is one of the most depressing truths i've learned in my career as a youtuber.
but it's better that we find strength together than to suffer alone in the dark, where the terfs of the world would prefer we stayed
anyway i'm sure everyone following me has seen it by now but here's the link anyway. probably the best video i'll ever make
anyway if you've been moved by a trans artist's work, ESPECIALLY if that work helped you come out yourself, i guarantee you they won't hate you for letting them know. don't be weird about it, obviously, but in this house we've all got imposter syndrome
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