Just plowed my way through yet another thread full of idiots talking about how biological sex isn't real. What the actual fuck is going on here? How did we end up with so many profoundly stupid people trying to twist reality to their cult-think? It's utterly unbelievable.
PS that was a rhetorical question. I know how it happened. Defunding of education by greedy right wing governments, no critical thinking encouraged in schools that are designed to produce ill educated drones for industrialists to exploit, entrenched misogyny being used to
tell women we no longer have the right to be safe, porn addled morons believing that it's fine to beat and rape women because they see it every day on their devices, misogyny on the right still in place but instead of opposing it, left wing orgs being so terrified to appear
like they are not being inclusive they are encouraging a misogynist cult to capture policy. And misogynists on the left absolutely loving the fact that it gives than the opportunity to act on their hatred of women with impunity. I'm so tired of having to state the absolutely
obvious truth from behind a pseudonym because my employer has been suckered into thinking that destroying women's rights is the right thing to do and they have already threatened me for being an actual feminist. I'm sick of the racists, the ableists, the xenophobes & the right.
The world is round. Vaccines prevent disease and do not cause autism. Tories and any other right wing extremists are selfish, inhuman exploiters of humanity. Life evolved and was not created in seven days and it is not possible for human beings to change sex.
Just realised that sounded very ranty indeed. But seriously, the planet is being destroyed by capitalist patriarchy and we're still having to fight ignorance to keep the few basic rights we have.
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