Nothing the ruling class fears more than regular people of uncommon ancestry making common cause.
Which is why the networks - propaganda arms of different ruling class factions - constantly foment HATE. Fox News, MSNBC, CNN persuade you to hate your fellow citizen, the person with different beliefs or background than you, to prevent you from kicking their asses to the curb.
I didn't think much of it at the time, but the movie 28 Days Later was oddly prescient. The monkeys, forced to watch hateful images on TV 24/7, developed a rage virus, bit a person in the lab and all hell broke loose. It's happening now, and it's not an accident.
Does anyone think the average person of any background or belief system is happy with the healthcare or public education systems? Has the average person has benefited at all from the overseas wars for the last 20 years? It's obvious why they want to pit people against one another
Fixing healthcare is fucking trivial. Fixing it while leaving all the profiteers whole is impossible. When they tell you it's too hard, it means they're owned. Getting out of dangerous foreign entanglements is trivial. Doing so while keeping arms manufacturers happy is impossible
Fed intervening on behalf of the richest, devaluing earnings, stealing by the trillions. Things would change quickly if people directed anger toward the source. Instead it's channeled toward other people, who happen to have different backgrounds/beliefs, suffering like you are.
When you see people manipulating you to hate your fellow citizen, see them for who they are - lackeys of the ruling class, trying to obfuscate far bigger crimes taking place on an oceanic scale. Notice how they dehumanize and categorize fellow human beings to get you to hate them
Better yet, mute, unfollow, block, avoid. It's the social distancing version for the 28 Days Later virus. Stop the spread.
You can follow @Chris_Liss.
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