Daud kim could just deny the accusation of rape and let the court investigate the situation rather than confess everything on youtube. But he choose to be honest rather than paying small fine. That means he really wanted to change and become better person
Heres why he will be pay only small fine if he bring case to the court

1. He stopped rape attempt when he regain consciousness because of drunk
2. He is too drunk and also the victim invite stranger who are drunk.
3. The video from victim clearly shows that he didnt rape
4. The victim also said he invite drunk person sleep on couch
5. Victim also mention attempted rape not rape

Some of you may said why i enable rape and blame the victim. This is not blame victim or enable the rape. But this how if daud kim just deny rape and let the court decide
With lawyer help he may be release without any punishment because there too many loopholes in this case. Such as drag the case for 1 year, agreement not to talk about the case and also this may backfire the victim
Why i said backfire. Because she release video daud kim naked. Daud kim can sue hee because show his private part to public.
But he choose to be honest and repent his past mistake. And also told the truth about the incident?

Why he did such a thing that could harm himself?? No other than he wanted to change to become a good person
Now what is the consequences of his action??
1. He lose youtuber friend
2. He trending 1st on naver as a raper korean muslim
3. Korean look bad more about islam
4. There are many korean talk bad about him right now
For the victim: because you are muslim may Allah forgive you, because you destroy not just one person daud kim but korean people opinion about islam. And also other muslim youtuber(there are people accuse all korean muslim youtuber as fake)
Before this, you said police did nothing when you reported. Then you sign agreement with him not to talk about this, then you said police will still bring this case to court. You have option to just continue this case to court and pay the fine or get punishment
This thread is not defending rape attempt of victim blamer. Just wanted both victim reminiscent to avoid alcohol and repent past mistake
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