10 signs of a soulmate
- a mewgulf thread -
1. A person you accept without thinking. There is a deep and unspoken respect between both of you.

> this is not the first interview that mew has said that that rather than making things or issues grow bigger the both of them talked it out and tried to understand each other
2. You have chemistry. Your instincts have kicked in to feel as if this person is your mate. When you touch this person, your body calms down into deep peace.

>if i remember correctly this was their first workshop together and look how they're already clinging to each other 🥺
3. You have the chemistry of mind. You complete each other’s stories in life.

>gulf entered mew's life perfectly when mew was heartbroken and was going through a lot of things, while mew unintentionally brought happiness to gulf's life
4. You have chemistry of spirit. Everything flows with smoothness.

> the both of them understand each other and like what mew said earlier he knows that the both of them are sometimes on sync
5. This person inspires you to improve yourself over time.

> idk if it's considered as inspiring someone but i think mew inspires gulf to try out new things for example watching kpop, anime and even learning the guitar
6. The conversation never gets old between the two of you.

> the line video calls and conversations 🥺

*credits to the owners of the pictures
7. You feel no need to control or limit this person. Soulmates don’t limit each other, which means this is a judgment-free relationship.

>mewgulf supporting each other in their solo work
8. A person you can let go of gracefully

> "Being present and living in the moment, not being overwhelmed by what was or what may be. Embracing the emotions, allowing them to be but not holding on to them longer than needed"
9. Without knowing why you would die for and more importantly live for this person.

> idk what this means?? but my take on this is that you are willing to die for this person but most importantly you see the beauty of life to the point that you want to live your life with them
10. Lastly, Perfect timing.

> gulf entered mew's world and made mew a happier and better person he knew what mew went through but still confidently declared that mew will protect him.
> it also counts when you remember mewgulf saying "let's stay together for a long time" and "let's stay together forever"
to end this thread these are some translations that i gathered from back then that just solidifies how mewgulf are soulmates for sure and through this thread we can really see that fate weaved their destiny and hearts together 🥺
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