I don’t know where the fuck this comphet word came from but I have heard it about 20 times in 4 days and I really wish to just never, ever hear it again
Like here’s the thing with this thread, the latest in a long line: https://twitter.com/peachmouth/status/1298011757663997953
Sure, the patriarchy and internalised homophobia is a thing. But this isn’t something only bisexual people deal with. And to constantly frame it as such is where this starts to become biphobic.
And using the words “compulsory heterosexuality” and discussing relationships with non-men feels very targeted towards Bi women.
Bi women are allowed to have relationships with men. They are allowed to prefer men. Framing it as comphet or saying that they’re treating their relationships with non-men as disposable seems biphobic to me.
This all feels very condescending. I’m pretty sure Bi women know that relationships with non-men are beautiful and worth exploring...otherwise they wouldn’t be bi?
You may have said “not all”, but you’re still treating this as some grand statement. Some broad, overarching issue amongst Bi people. Hence, why you’re tweeting about it.

And that just isn’t true.
The original reason this bubbled up is someone talking about how Bi women who prefer men aren’t valid, how them talking about men makes them insecure and that they need to undo comphet.
Bi women are going to talk about men...they’re Bi. They will have been with men. They’ll fancy men. Your insecurities around that are your issue, not theirs. To label that as comphet is biphobic.
And the reason they leave you is because of your biphobia. They may get with a man simply because...the next person they become interested in is a man. That isn’t comphet. That’s bisexuality.
This is simply “Bi women left me for a man, so I don’t trust Bi people. All Bi women are actually straight and will always end up with a man” just under a fancy guise
And if you’re response to this is that we should be able to critique Bi people and the problem with centring men...instead of supporting Bi women...you’re probably a biphobe
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