1. Complete nonsense.

You're covering for US war crimes.

In Iraq & Syria we never cared who is Sunni, Shia, Christian, Druze, etc. It's rude to even ask.

Ba'athist countries are secular & multi-ethnic by definition. Widespread sectarian violence was nonexistent before 2003. https://twitter.com/esaagar/status/1298719289361367040
2. Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and General Abizaid are all on record pushing for the "Salvador Option" i.e. death squads funded and trained by the US.

The US manufactured and fueled the overwhelming majority of sectarian violence that followed the illegal invasion of Iraq.
3. During the looting you mention - a direct result of the invasion - you conveniently leave out that General Franks specifically ordered coalition troops to do nothing.

The only building in Baghdad that fell under protection by US forces: the Ministry of Oil. How surprising.
4. Paul Bremer, a colonialist posing as a diplomat, dissolved the Iraqi Government, Armed Forces and Ba'ath party, effectively creating a political & economic vacuum that led to scores of unemployed, & the creation of sectarian parties all over Iraq– fracturing the social fabric.
5. Very easy to paint Arabs as backwards people who fight over religion, when you invade their countries and directly fuel sectarian violence.

I know you can't say it because you're spineless, but Iraq was safe and stable under Saddam. The US destroyed it and Syria by extension.
6. Unlike the US– Iraq & Syria weren't built on genocide & slavery. Our societies are rooted in multi-religious & multi-ethnic harmony.

Attempting to rehabilitate imperialist war crimes & shift the blame w/ neocon lies from 2005 shows how historically & morally bankrupt you are.
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