quotes, conversations, and overall moments in Y&B that I just cannot let myself forget.

a long, heartbreaking, emotional rollercoaster of a thread.
"Whose curls are like those think, treacherous thorns that cut you upon impact. Whose eyes are like those shadowy green leaves that reach to strangle the stars."
"he can't seem to look away as he stands amongst chrysanthemums and daisies on a cobblestone path, the tragic musk of roses settled in the air, staring up at dimly lit windows, searching for a boy who barely exists."
"Especially when Louis keeps pin-balling between being convinced that he's a demon or a broken angel.

But a broken demon is probably more accurate."
"He's not here."
"I've already paid for him."
"Are you alright?"

"I'm always alright."
"I noticed you're a fan of creepy bird cages."

"They're not mine. I hate them."

"What? Why?"

"I like things to be free."
"I am many things, Louis Tomlinson, but I am anything but boring."
"I'm sorry you didn't find what you were looking for."
"All he knows is that Harry's train of though is quite possibly the most scenic route available."
"It's such a clear gaze that meets Louis, so open and green, glinting under moonbeams,"
"Yesterday, Did you find him?"
"You rewrote it, you rewrote the whole thing, different."

"You said you didn't like my handwriting."
"Harry's somewhere beyond the realm of existence, in the dark corners that get forgotten or shunned."
"[H]is slow, cascading voice that tastes like chocolate and feels like suede,"
"A rainy day?"

"The rainiest,"
"It's funny that you chose Dorian Gray of all people, though. Bit of a tragic ending, wasn't it?"

"Depends on your definition of tragic."
"You can be found, if you'd like. But I don't want to be."
"Even if the entire world thinks you're shit, there's at least one person who thinks you're amazing."
"he stares at the delicate features and wide stormy eyes, swirling and impenetrable like the sky above."
"Because I understand that it doesn't have to be perfect to be liked."

"There, Ditto marks. Now neither of us can change."
"I won't ever let anybody force you to do anything."
"If there are people who genuinely think you to be boring—you, who collects cat figurines and holds picnics in the dead of winter—then they certainly aren't the kind of people that deserve to be around you."
"They'll go away soon, they're not permanent."

"Yes they are."
"his tattoos look like bleeding poetry."
"No matter what, he will never, ever let this boy go."
"With freedom, books, flowers, and the moon, who could not be happy?"
"He feels like art."
"He's always looking down. Louis wants him to look up. So the sky and the sun and the moon and the stars can see him and realize why they just don't compare."
"I'm going to forget the world. You're welcome to forget it with me, if you like."
"I only ride antique bikes, I'm afraid."
"It's like watching a bird that's been caged its whole existence and is suddenly released, overwhelmed with freedom and life, filling its lungs with what it never dared to breathe and filling its eyes with what it never dared to see."
"I should like to be the sun, and you can be the moon."
"Good. Keep your secrets. You're too young and beautiful not to have secrets."
"and as he holds him, he doesn't dare fall asleep because he doesn't trust himself to dream."
"I could never forget you. I'll always find you."
"You can't expect the world to care about you, not when you have so little to offer."
"So don't you dare tell him that he has nothing,

not when he's everything."
"I thought you were over me."

"I wanted to be. I tried so hard to be."
"You feel a pain I will never understand."
"Healthy state of mind, that,"

"Books are food for the brain. I can't think of anything healthier."
"Let's find a place we've never been before. And after today, let's never go there again."

"So that we’ll always remember it together?"

"So it will be ours."
"Oh, come now, Louis. I would never want to be practical."

"Perish the thought."

"Perish me! That's such a boring thing to be."
"I can be happy, I'm happy when I'm with you."
"Why are you so good to me? Why are you my friend?"

"Because you're you."
"Not with you."
"He's going to be okay Louis."

"They said that?"


...He's going to be okay."
"You make me want to not make sense. I should hate to make sense."

"To be great is to be misunderstood."
"I've never met anyone like you. You've restored my faith in humanity, just by existing...

..You make me fall in love with the world again."

"You gave me a world I didn't know was there."
"The moon knows that we're in love."
"I'm filling up the sky with my love for you, so whenever you look up, it echoes back."

"No matter where I am?"

"No matter where you are. There's only one sky."

"...But I should always like to hear you say it. Not an echo. I want you beside me under every sky. Always."
"You are cruel for making everything else seem dull. You are cruel for imprisoning me in your very touch, for freeing me with your every word, and for bestowing upon me the most painful sense of longing that I've ever had the pleasure to suffer at the hands of. 1/2
You have shown me color in a world of gray and you are cruel, for you take the color with you every moment that you are not beside me." 2/2
end of thread. i'm gonna go scream into a pillow now.
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