I'm going to share the transgender agenda with you. It's ok if you don't like it, you can unfollow me. It's important to understand how & why we're here now. It's not an accident & there are NO coincidences. Satanists are leading this agenda & children are paying.

(Thread below) https://twitter.com/Bevvie112/status/1298751905007579136
2)Some, of course really are born this way and we love & accept them but they're not hiding it. I have trans gendered family members. This is a really difficult life, nobody has it easy. The Elite Gender Inversion (EGI) agenda, Inverted, Reverso couples all exist, look it up.
3) Step 1: Understand what they worship. Satanists worship a trans god. Recognize this one? This one is trans. Also, the Starbucks logo, upside down.They want us all to be trans. Their execution methods are: Vaccines (mixed with male/female chromosomes from aborted fetus cells).
4) Vaccines start day 1. Food (look up Senomyx in Pepsi/Frito Lays/Kraft products & Soy, soy is a huge hormone confuser & why young boys have boobs now), Water, chem trails & many other ways. 90% of people you see on TV, pro sports, movies, MSM, Modeling, Musicians, etc.
5) ARE TRANS GENDERED & tricking the masses. Remember, understand what they worship as step #1. Think of us & how we feel about our faith & GOD. Think of this from a recruiting standpoint. They want to recruit people in to their religion. We're in a spiritual war now,
6) We've been in this war for quite some time. It's Good vs. Evil & God will win BUT it's time to wake up now. The people we allow to influence us are deceiving us. The goals for Satanists are deception, division & duality. You're seeing this play out now in many BLUE cities.
7) Think of the Trans thing as "Trans Humanism." They want a one gender society mixed with Artificial Intelligence. Most of the elite women you see are actually born MALES.They are MEN. If you see them on the screen or in the list I mentioned above, they're likely Satanists
8) Either born in to it or by their own choice in exchange for money, power, fame and or success. The more successful they are, the worse it gets. Most even start to change the baby's sex en utero. Babies immediately go int o surgery after birth too. Look this up, it's horrible.
9) The baby/child will undergo a lifetime of hormones + Surgeries. Most of the Elite's children are trans, definitely their 1st born as it's part of the deal. They're obligated to transgender their 1st born/eldest child & push agenda. You can argue with any/all of this....
10) But I encourage you to do your own research first. You'll be shocked how much is available to you now online. Look up Transvestigations on YouTube & Bitchute. All the basics are there at your fingertips to explore. The key thing to know here is
11) there are about 20 gender defining characteristics between a male & female skeletal structure. Most of us will overlap a handful but all of us will fit in to the majority of our natural (God chosen) gender.There are some things even the best of surgeries & hormones can't hide
12) I'll leave you with links to some of my favorites but the key take away here is the people we have idolized for (many) decades & have influenced our families, us & loved ones are Satanists, they're not like us. They're here to play a role & recruit for their religion.
13) They literally sell their soul to the devil & they've told us, we've all heard them but cognitive dissonance runs deep. This is the only way they get in to these powerful & influential positions. There is no other way, research it!
14) Transvestigating used to be a fun hobby for me until I realized how dark & horrible it really is. Do not give these people any more power over you or your precious children. Gay & Trans people are part of their evil depopulation method too as they have a much harder time
15) Reproducing & they both have high suicide rates, especially the trans community. Men disguised as women have trained us to hate & reject our own bodies. We've been trained to want to look like them but they're men in women's clothing, the clothing is made for them, not us.
16) yet we continue to try with extreme diet & exercise regimes, surgeries, waist trimmers, spanx, everything to hide what makes us women & designed to carry babies. We buy their makeup, hair products, hair extensions. We see therapists when depressed because we just can't
17) that tiny glass slipper to fit! The one that was never intended to fit but intended to divide instead. Women-think sports....most of the successful athletes you see in Women's pro sports are MEN! & Men, a lot of the men in pro sports are WOMEN with a lifetime of testosterone.
18) Women-ever wonder why the models have freakishly long necks, arms, hands/fingers and legs? 👇
*Castration at an early age causes joint capsules not to close up and leads to abnormally long arms & and legs (models) Wikipedia
19) It's ok for people to be trans, nobody cares about this but we do care about the lies and deception. This is the Satanist agenda behind it all. Follow @Bevvie112 as she transvestigates & has a lot of helpful stuff on her page that you can dive in to for answers to questions.
20) A few defining characteristics for you below. Again most of us will have some of these overlapping traits but not most or all. This is only a few, there are a lot more. Look them up or watch Transvestigations videos (links below) they do an excellent job, end to end.
I highly recommend the channel "Above is Below" Here's a fun exposure of the Jonas Brothers (or sisters?). She is excellent and has a lot of knowledge & videos, even beyond transvestigating.
You can see this goes back many decades, even way before this. Lucille Ball & Desi Arnez here for ya.
I'll leave you with these trans reverso/inverted/flipped couples. There are so many more, see if you can find them. I'll add to this thread soon if TW let's me stay on after this😂
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