I actually hate the way birth control has been used to apportion "personal responsibility" for sex. Even if we had amazing birth control options (we don't) or could get made infertile on demand (we can't) or get completely subsidized safe abortions on demand (also no)...
Even if we could always choose when to have sex (again, also not), the mere fact that some people can get pregnant and others can impregnate them is a fundamental inequity. It will literally never be equal and patriarchal misogyny feeds off pretending not to know this.
We understand that tenants and landlords is a fundamentally inequitable relationship, a parasitic one actually, and so any laws that might grant tenants what *appear* to be more rights are actually just addressing that inequity, right? Same with birth control.
Abortion is birth control. Abortion is healthcare. Abortion is not a "last resort" because you don't know how many options were available, effective or viable to prevent a situation where abortion became the only option. Get rid of that discourse too.
Birth control is pushing shit uphill, especially without the assistance of those who cause pregnancies. Cis men primarily cause pregnancies, but they want to gaslight us about "personal responsibility" bc it's our bodies they cum in and want to do so without consequences.
I will never, unless I get a hysterectomy, be able to have sex with the total lack of responsibility that cis men can. Never. Not once. I will always have to consider pregnancy, and STDs to a greater extent than those men have to or ever do.
If you talk about personal responsibility re *getting* pregnant you can and should be ignored, because it's honestly a fucking sick perpetuation of patriarchal ownership: we can penetrate you when we want, with zero repercussions, but *you* have to carry all the consequences.
It's saying that we have to carry more of a burden than we already do, so cishet men can continue using us and take absolutely none themselves. This is also why more things should be classified as assault if we didn't fully agree to them. We already bear most of the risk.
And almost every time men talk about preventing pregnancy its ~purely for their own benefit anyway~ not ours, which sickens me even more.
So yes, until it seems like women & all AFAB pepple have "too many rights", we don't have enough. Bodily autonomy is skewed against us already because we fundamentally cannot eliminate the risk of pregnancy ourselves. Even if we "don't have sex at all"
Even if we had free morning after Pill dispensers, abortion on demand, all the available contraceptives, and a legal and social system that actually put responsibility for sexual health on both parties, WE STILL WOULD NOT BE EQUAL, FUNDAMENTALLY.
Understand what equity means and understand that reproductive healthcare is a matter of EQUITY in a situation that is not and will NEVER BE EQUAL
The only way we could drastically address the inequality of pregnancy would be to provide hysterectomies on demand, while simultaneously castrating fertile penis owners until someone who can get pregnant agreed to accept a possible pregnancy from them. Far fetched, huh?
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