Personal take:

I feel the social media are training us to get distracted every few seconds and we aren't even aware of it. You scroll twitter then Facebook then Instagram then hop in the messenger to see if you got any text and then come back to twitter again.
Then you see a few memes that take around 5 seconds (max) of your effort and then you go see another meme. Oh- the video is 1 minute long? guess I'll skip that. Omg, what a long thread so boring. Guess, I'll create an acronym for all the long words so that I won't have to type
them all. You are personally training your brain every other meme to not to focus on anything for more than 15 seconds. You get anxious having to watch a TikTok that's more than 15 seconds long. All these social media are perfectly exploiting your concentration and you're letting
them exploit. They know our mind gets distracted pretty easily and they only deliver contents that are short and takes minimal effort. Heck, you even have started not liking movies or series that have a show start. You would rather not watch it than wait for the interesting part
When was the last time you read a long article or a book or watched the whole documentary without getting your hands on your smartphone? Oh- most people don't even get here reading this thread. If you did, congratulations you're one step closer towards self-realization.
It's the question you ask yourself. Do you dictate yourself or do you let these bunch of social media dictate you? The brain can be trained to focus and it gets difficult at the beginning just like everything else. Meditate daily, read long articles, read books,
watch that boring documentary or a series that you left because it had a slow start. Don't forget to complete what you've started. You won't be a monk in 2 days it takes time and patience and a lot of will power. Do you have what it takes? Goodluck!
You can follow @sugmadhiakri.
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