(she-ra crew discussion, ableism)

so if i'm not mistaken, the "entrapta and hordak are some of the best disabled rep" comment was not actually made by the crew, but they were reading fanmail from a disabled fan who said this? That's what I'm getting from the clip I saw.
I can kind of understand where they are coming from with Entrapta, since Autistic representation in media is dominated by NT "burden" stories", while there are some issues with how she's treated by other characters on the show, she is a major step in the right direction, I feel.
I am not defending the crew, especially in areas I don't have a say on, but I just thought it was important to add context since I expected abled crewmembers to be praising themselves for their work and not a fan comment.

The clip: https://twitter.com/ArchineerLock/status/1298827799520849920
That being said, please don't use this thread as a way to defend the crew. The voice of the disabled fan is what is important to me here, and what I wanted to amplify since I saw the context lost.

Listen to the people who were targets of the crew's insensitive actions on stream
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