nba owners have successfully lobbied local governments for billions and billions of dollars for arenas, they can do a whole helluva lot more to push folks in government to make things happen and i'm glad players are making that a clear request here
not to mention there's an ownership group with someone that is quite literally in the current administration. miss me with this WHAT MORE CAN WE DO? shit. you not just have fuck you money, but you have all the privileges and connections that comes with that. use 'em.
forever rich folks have thrown some money at things to prove they're good rather than being willing to push for policies with thier influence that would create actual, long-term change because doing so would threaten their insane wealth.
so now they're being asked for more, not just to give some millions to charity, but to push for action and change at a fundamental and systemic level that runs totally opposite their entire existence. i'm not holding my breath they give much but maybe an inch, would be a start.
so i fully expect their response to be asking how much more money it'll take, because this time it's asking for something beyond a big check and that's terrifying to them
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