The author of classical yoga text Patanjali wrote Yoga Sutras around 2000 years ago wrote a very interesting concept called Chitta vritti (mental fluctuations of the mind of consciousness). Mentions 5 kinds of mental fluctuations tht shape our world...
These mental beings shape our world , based on perceptions and verbal delusions , we create patterns. The five types of mental cognition of chitta vritti are
1. Right knowledge
2. Perception
3. Verbalisation (our story around our perception)
4. Memory
5. Sleep
Right knowledge is the truth derived from witnessing, inference or trusted source. E-g there is a tree in my house and I can see it so I conclude that a tree is present in my house

Perception: are judgements. Either I like the tree, or I don’t like the tree.
Verbalisations: stories we create around our perceptions: e-g if I like it .. I’ll tell people that I have a beautiful 100 yr old tree in my house.

If I don’t like it, I’ll probably say this tree is covering my sunlight etc.

Perceptions and verbalisations r not true.
The only thing that is true is that the tree exists.

Memory: it’s derived from right knowledge, perception, verbalisations & sleep

Sleep: the misperception that nothing exists.
These fluctuations lead us to act in one way or another.. these actions in the world create patterns
Our patterns shape who we R in our personal , professional life .. how our relationship with ourselves, others & the planet R.

It’s an interesting psychological practice to look back on our thoughts. It’s called self study.

Practice observing your thoughts. Makes one powerful
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