so now we're two weeks into #virtuallearning with less than a week to go before kids return. here's what I've learned so far: a thread
this BS about "you can't build community online" has to go.

you can do it. it takes hard work, authenticity, vulnerability, and intention.
you WILL make mistakes. trust me, I've made quite a few. most have been hilarious and the kids and I have had some good laughs. #andioop
show your students you're human. that it's okay to make mistakes and to fail. they're pretty forgiving, tbh when you do mess up.
i play #music for the kids as I'm letting kids out of the waiting room (I use Zoom). always some kind of happy, upbeat jam. today it was Duckwrth's "Crush" (props to @MrMathieuTweets for the heads up on that tune) #musicappreciation #notjustascienceteacher
provide the kids with the roadmap for the day at the beginning of class. I do this with a Bitmoji version of me standing in front of my actual whiteboard with the day's agenda. I also have a copy of this in my LMS for them to view if they miss class. #classroommanagement
breakout rooms, breakout rooms, breakout rooms.

learn them, love them, use them. #Zoomtools
realize that redesigning your usual f2f lessons and assessments for #virtuallearning takes 2-3 times longer than you think it does.

so does the grading.
give your #eyes a rest from the screen every 10-15 minutes or so. chances are good your eyes aren't old but they're sure as hell not getting any younger. #vision
also? some of those wacky things you'd do if students were in your physical classroom learning f2f?
you can still do those virtually too. like when I teach sexual selection to my kids, I normally do the blue-footed booby dance.

you best believe I'll be doing that dance next semester when I teach that lesson and I'll do it on camera if i have to.
now next week when I'm expected to teach both f2f students and virtual students I'll have some more insights and tips. we'll see how it goes. I'm anxious for multiple reasons, most of which center on my safety.

gonna be tough to be the best #teacher me I can be when I'm afraid.
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