It's not *simply* false

It's not completely true, but if you're actually saying people are *not allowed* to see red flags in someone's past behavior unless they have "all the facts" you are setting a lot of people up for a world of hurt
There were people openly saying that when someone turns 18, their book is closed, their slate clean and they *have no record*

Actively saying that because Coleman was a 19-year-old his entire life consists of the year or so he's spent running for office
*Demanding* that I, personally, adopt this fiction when imagining his life

"Well, this fellow just popped into existence a year ago, and immediately started campaigning for Medicare for All! What a compassionate and intelligent human being!"
Fuck, I guess I can't even include any of the stupid shady shit he said when he ran for governor at 17 either -- including the fundamental narcissism of doing that at all

People make mistakes in childhood and none of those mistakes count, right
It's a nuanced issue, it's a complex issue, it's an issue that's liable to have negative side-effects if you become too harsh of a zealot in any one direction

Just don't defend the people actively telling me to be stupid
I knew kids in high school who were deeply fucked up and scary people even when they didn't do anything actionable and if they ran for office after they turned 18 OF COURSE I would tell everyone around me not to fucking VOTE FOR THEM FOR THE STATE ASSEMBLY

God damn
People were all like "Oh gross the Coleman haters are all celebrating now at the news he assaulted his ex"

Fuck you

She wanted to tell her story and I'm glad she got the chance to do it but it fundamentally should not have been necessary
"He did all this awful shit as a kid" + "As an adult, he acts pretty creepy and boundary-crossing and weird and hasn't really shown genuine remorse or shame" SHOULD BE ENOUGH

It's enough reason to shun somebody

It's wrong to throw him in prison but not to just dislike him
If the voters and the media had seen those red flags and reacted accordingly, his ex would never have had to publicly share her story

If she had been able to see those red flags and react accordingly, the story would never have happened
I am not, in any way, blaming her for what happened to her

But she says she wants her story to help make sure this doesn't happen again to someone else

Which means telling people it's okay to see red flags and act on them

Even if you think you're being "unfair"
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