Okay before I start Cursed I'm going on the record about being EXTREMELY picky about my Arthurian adaptations. I am also EXTREMELY ATTACHED to all representations of Ladies With Water Powers and Witches in general so I am going in with extreme caution.
I am like, deathly attached to Nimue based on a single 19th century painting and the fucking MZB book. if you disrespect the general conceit of the water nymph/water witch you are disrespecting the central mythological backbone of my adolescence.
this is the most problematic trope ever, I love it to death and have since I was a wee child watching The Little Mermaid. When I was 15 I handled suicidal ideation by listening nonstop to the album "Opheliac" which is half songs about death by drowning/misogyny.
anyway I don't know what kind of weird ass emotions watching this show is going to trigger in me. god bless the witches that turn old wizards into trees and the ones who hand out swords to the deserving. let's do this thing I guess
it's very over the top and different, I'm having fun. very interesting main characters. all the actresses that play this type of character look exactly like a good friend of mine who acts and I want them to start getting these roles!
I'm a dirtbag because I am fully like 'this Merlin guy is exactly half the guys I've tried to fuck who were too old for me when I was like 22' I would still let him hit it
I'm assuming that the Weeping Monk Assassin Guy doesn't have a cross branded into his skull because that shit's not hot and they clearly want him to be hot....
not sure about this Arthur yet. clearly not Uther's son in this version. he's kind of don't-rock-the-boat yet a charming hero type. just a fresh faced baby who hasn't yet had a child with his half sister who will betray him (just some Arthurian incest humor there for you)
If I was watching this show as a teen I would be a wreck. Nimue is the ultimate Sad Weird Girl Relatable character. It would have been too much for me in that period of my life lol. Cursed by dark gods, magic powers, good hair, an outcast yet surrounded by hot guys? too much
it's very horny that this grey monk is basically a faery bloodhound, I said what I said!! no one goes around sniffing people's clothes in non horny shows
also having like weird annoyed feelings about the chronology of this universe... like, what year is it? The Church has been around for a thousand years yet the Vikings are invading now? The Norman conquest hasn't happened yet there are heraldic knights?
I fully except my Arthurian legend adaptations to be weirdly anachronistic, that's fine (& fun), but it makes me go 'hmm' when you have red robed Christian Inquisition/Crusader stand-ins rounding up the demonic other in a multiethnic fantasy Europe yet no Jews or Muslims around
I actually like an Arthurian milieu that reflects the Roman influence on Europe... early medieval France/England as a setting that involves Vikings, Celts, Romans, Saxons, "Moors", etc. is a fertile setting before you even get to magical entities...
It's not intentionally insensitive I think but it does make you feel a certain kind of way after you watch the villains of the show burn a woman alive on the basis of her being a horned demon and then there are actually horned humanoid characters in the show.
I get that it's hard to make even a 'gritty' fantasy show with this level of camp/ridiculousness if you acknowledge that all this stuff did happen to real people but it's unsettling to watch real violence grafted onto unreal things sometimes.
I'm not against the idea of using metaphors to stand in for real world prejudices, but it is sometimes just a 'ok then. I guess this is the theme' feeling to have entire realities erased, except for their violence.
back to my watching of the show.... I liked when she burst up out of the water to kill those guys in a cool montage! that's the Lady of the Lake content I came for (sort of).
ranking the fuckability of the scumbag (male) characters, cast your votes:
honestly Pym's trauma response is really feeling authentic. I like her and I hope she gets a cool arc on this show
oh man, this is why Arthur should have kissed her in the hot tub AND the party, sometimes some guy in a horned helmet shows up and totally makes you feel bad. it can happen my man
I will say it was telegraphed from the beginning that Merlin was her father, which is icky in the context of many parts of the legend, but I guess relevant for this version of the story.
watching two fit guys in medieval outfits and eyeliner beat the shit out of each other is my brand of Prestige TV
I am sorting all the characters in this show into the type of sex I'd think they'd be into. I may post this on twitter for the edification and enjoyment of my followers.
Arthur is peak Fuckboy and probably does it in missionary and is very sweet but has no stroke game and doesn't go down. but he can finger like a champ (lockpick skills folks)
The Weeping Monk does not fuck but he probably has a lot of angst when he has a wet dream. Gawain has no time to fuck but probably gets a lot of handjobs. Blond Viking eats pussy and likes the girl on top.
as Plucky Heroine, Nimue is an innocent maiden (TM). Morgana has big Top energy. Pym is just hungry for dick. This has been Cursed Fuck Analysis.
Morgan is my actual favorite Arthurian character and I am excited to see what happens with her in this version! I love an angry witch.
yo I fuckin knew it man!!! that the monk could SMELL the Fey? That he wears all that face makeup? oh ho ho the plot thickens I love a kidnapped child soldier storyline!!!
man I wanna fuck this insecure illegitimate king so bad what is wrong with me
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