In my time as an abolitionist, I’ve seen a lot of questions about “what about *insert terrible crime here*?” So I’d like to explain my views on this subject (A THREAD)
So obviously, we know murder, rape, and domestic violence are wrong, correct? So how do we provide action that not only reduces these actions but also makes society safe from these actions
First and foremost, investing in public resource is a must. A lot of crime comes from poverty and trying to survive it. This includes murder through gang violence, self defense, and home invasions. If we invest in ending poverty, crime rates will dramatically reduce
Next, investing in education. Comprehensive sex Ed that teaches consent is key to avoiding sexual assault or rape. Teaching people in liberation puts everyone on an equal playing field for jobs and keeps people from illegal means of income.
Investing in mental health resources helps us be proactive in combatting the psychological aspects that funnel into crime. We can reach people predisposed to violent crimes early and prevent rape, serial killers, and mass murderers early.
Deconstructing the legal system we currently have in place can drastically reduce the amount of BIPOC who end up in the system for crimes they commit at the same level or lower levels than white people. This is a heavy topic in this, so pls do your own research on how this works
Now, this is where it gets a little hard. Every human deserves life. That means even people who commit heinous acts of violence deserve life. You cannot intercept and prevent all crime. There are people who will always abuse a system. You have to make a commitment to life anyway.
What I mean by this, is even rapists can change. Even mass murders can change. The current system we have doesn’t rehabilitate. It leaves people to rot and makes money off of it. Therapy, medications, and self reflection can and has been proven to fix people.
This doesn’t mean the people they have wronged or hurt have to forgive them. This only means that In theory and practice, they can once again become a productive member of society. It takes a lot of time and resources that we do not currently invest in people who commit crimes.
So in the process of abolition, the final step is creating alternatives to prison. Effective mental health facilities, substance rehabilitation centers, education and vocational programs, and government financial assistance. These become the new norm in handling crime.
We can proactively prevent crime, change the system to rid it of systemic racism and capitalist practice, and develop alternative solutions to handling crime when it does occur. We just have to put in the work and care. (End)
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