it's extremely saddening seeing asians getting hate for explaining our OWN culture. we all have different values and beliefs and you don't have to agree on them but at least learn to respect them?? how do you stan a korean group but don't even bother learning about the culture+
and NOT ALL CULTURES EVOLVE AROUND WESTERN BELIEFS AND VIEWS. do you understand how disrespectful and racist it is to constantly ignore and invalidate asians when we speak up about ourselves and say our culture is "wrong"
im so tired of asians getting hate because people don't have the same viewpoints as us. why is it that all cultures are respected and valued but when it comes to asians, people suddenly bash us. I don't understand this mindset and if you stan a kpop group, you should at least+
learn that there are alot of cultural DIFFERENCES. not everything evolves around western culture, please understand
and the amount of times I've seen my Asian moots talk about the constant invalidation and racism but nothing changes within the fandom. nobody listens
one last thing, how are people going to act like they know everything about asian culture and speak on it but have no knowledge whatsoever?? how are you gonna tell us our culture is "wrong" and push your viewpoints on us because you don't agree. we're not asking you to agree+
with us, we're asking people to learn or KNOW about the cultural differences and RESPECT them. we all have different backgrounds and history within our cultures so we were all raised and taught differently. if you read all this, I hope you have a nice day and please take care!
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