I’ll do one of these threads all the young kids and popular kids do nowadays. This is about @VP
Don’t care about your politics. Here’s a story about Mike Pence. He was my first boss in the real world after college. I was a grunt and learned from the best when it came to media.
He genuinely cared about me and my eventual wife Daniele and both of our families. He asked questions. He cared. Not many people do in that position.
After a year or so, I had a rough week with some nasty stomach pains. Wasn’t myself. He said the same thing. He urged me to go to my doctor. Did that. Nothing. Went to another doctor. Nothing.
Fast forward a few hours or days, and I’m struggling. I followed all the instructions from our staff and more importantly Congressman Pence.
My appendix exploded days prior and I had no idea. I was at work and I had the color of an old cucumber combined with some dead grass.
Dee knew something was wrong when I couldn’t have chicken wings or even take down a sip of beer. I laid on the ground at a concert because I was hurting. That was one of the final straws.
Anyways, after several hours of pre surgery antibiotics, isolation, etc. I had a brutal surgery for an exploded appendix.

Ya want to know who was by my bed when I woke up? It was @vp. My mom and eventual wife couldn’t be there in time.
For all who don’t agree with his personal views, he’s a good guy. Someone you want in your corner no matter what. Don’t care who it is or what they believe, good people are good people.

When you are struggling, he’s the guy that’s there to help no matter your points of view.
Just my personal story. I also ran a red light in the car with him. Sorry!
Other part - I’ve hardly ever told anyone about this mainly because I hate talking about politics. He doesn’t need credit. He’s a good man.
When I was working for other politicians, he’d always come to me and say what’s up. We’d be in the gym together shooting the shit. He’s a good man
Personally, I don’t care about politics anymore. I care about good people. MRP is good people. He’s what we need. My family is still astonished that he’d be that thoughtful.
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