Have a lot of thoughts in my head that I want to get out.

I’m a son.
I’m a brother.
I’m a friend.
I’m a father.

To look at me, the first is obvious, the 3rd can be reasonably inferred. The second and 4th are unknowable unless you get to know me.
I’m also a black man. And that is something that is obvious without knowing anything else about me.

I have successes just like everyone else.

I have failures just like everyone else.

I have joys just like everyone else.
So why is it that when people see me, they don’t think about the things that make me similar to them?

I’m tall, so for some I’m a physical threat.

I’ve been moderately successful in life but it must have been “given to me”, I couldn’t have possibly earned it
I’m a father but for some I’m probably a deadbeat and have no interest in my child’s life.

Or I’m lazy, on drugs, prone to criminality or any of the stereotypes applied to black people.

All of that and you don’t even know me.
I’ve been arrested without cause.

I’ve been tailed by police.

I’ve been followed in stores.

I deserve better. My black brothers and sisters deserve better.
I don’t deserve to have my life ended because a police officer was scared of me solely because the way I look and I didn’t follow directions fast enough.

I don’t deserve to have my liberty infringed upon.
Watching police extrajudicial killings is trauma. It hurts. I’m tired. We’re tired, because it doesn’t get better.

And when we protest, we’re murdered by someone who crossed into another state looking for trouble.
When athletes peacefully protest by striking, we’re told “Protest but not like that”

When @Kaepernick7 kneeled during the anthem he was told “Not like that”

What are we supposed to do???
We are pleading with you to hear us. And fortunately I think most of the people I have associated with on social media are like minded and are hearing us and I thank you for it. But it’s not enough.
I need better for me.
I need better for my friends.
I need better for people I don’t know.
I need better for my family.

And I damn sure need better for my daughter.

My biggest fear is not being around to guide her. And every time I see a police car pull behind me, I’m terrified
Not because I’m doing anything wrong (I’m not). But because right and wrong doesn’t always matter in these cases.

Philando Castile had a concealed weapons permit and he was shot and killed.

Tamir Rice had a toy gun and was shot and killed.
John Crawford III wasn’t causing trouble, just holding a BB gun in the Walmart when people got scared, called the police and he was shot and killed.

Being in the right doesn’t matter if you’re dead.
So those of you standing with us, we see you and appreciate you.

For others, it’s time to take a stand. I know it’s tough to get out of your comfort zone but you at least have a comfort zone to be in.
I think that’s all I have for now. I am ALWAYS open for dialogue. I am hopeful we can work together to engineer a better future.

As they always have and always will #BlackLivesMatter

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