God may work in mysterious ways but God be WORKING, okay???
I was feeling really low about everything happening around me. Like just down, out, & feeling stagnant.

So I was on the phone with Michael when my cousin, who lives in New York, calls me. So I get off the phone with Michael and start stalking to him...
And he immediately starts with “Cousin I just want to let you know that you’ve been on my mind and I’m just telling you that you need to stay encouraged, keep sharpening your skills, and keep faith”
He continues talking to me where he’s saying things that almost directly correlate with some of the negative thoughts that have been in my mind. And so I tell him that it’s crazy that he called and said those things because of my situation as of recent
He said he had been thinking about me all day and now he knows why. So we just continued talk and was just saying things that I really needed to hear. So after I get off with him, I go ask my mom if she talked to him bc she’s the only other person who would’ve known or told
She said no. And so I tell her about the conversation we had and how it was like divine intervention that he called bc there’s no true way he could’ve known unless he talked to my mom about what was going on. And I wasn’t fr talking to my mom ab it either.
So I’m here to tell y’all that if you’re doubting your position in life, comparing yourself to your peers, and just feeling low, don’t. God is looking out for us. They see us and they hear us. We aren’t alone in where we are. Keep your faith and keep brushing up on your talents
Keep pushing because someone is counting on you, and that person is YOU nigga. So go and be great, be patient, and stay prayed up. This is your sign just like this was mine.
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