A thread:
There is a rule that many Red Pill Men subscribe to and that is, “Women break rules for Alphas that they do not for others.”

Although I don’t discount the overall truthfulness of this statement, I do think there is an important distinction that is being missed.
When a Man meets and begins dating a high value Woman, and she shows great potential for a long-term commitment, things are well and good until we get to the issue of sex.

I recently ran a poll asking Men their willingness to invest in such a Woman without sex, results are here:
Poll Results:
Many Men felt that, because they deem themselves high value Alphas, that they should not have to wait for sex, that she should break her rule for him.

If she refuses, the implication is that she didn’t view him as the same value as he holds for himself, and therefore, he walks.
The problem with this, as I see it, is it lacks a couple of critical distinctions.

And BOTH Men and Women get it wrong when it comes to these distinctions.
For a Woman who’s never had casual sex - if she doesn’t break her rule for the Alpha, this doesn’t automatically devalue him.

Men get stuck on Women breaking rules for them and then walk away feeling rejected when a high value Woman upholds her principles.
However, a Woman who has engaged in casual sex means her rules ARE breakable, hence, she’s holding the man to a higher standard than previous (presumably, lesser quality) men. In which case, she IS devaluing the man.

This is not to say she isn’t entitled to setting boundaries,
But, when a Woman wipes the slate clean for herself (reformed, changed, saved etc), this doesn’t mean she can automatically wipe the slate clean with all Men.

She has a past, and Men who’ve upheld their standards will take note, they’re being held to a higher standard.
Women think that when they implement boundaries that they can do this at their determination without consequences.

Women can implement new boundaries, but the same high value Men will not allow being held to a higher standard than a lesser value Man from her past. He will walk.
In turn, a Woman who’s never engaged in casual sex may not be willing to break her rules. This is not an indictment on a Man’s eligibility, Alpha or value. This simply means she upholds her values and principles, thus, she holds all Men to her high standard, not just some.
This is not to say that Women who’ve engaged in casual sex are not eligible for a high value Man.

However, there are consequences to not upholding standards and principles, and it doesn’t make a Man the bad guy for not wanting to play by her new rules.
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