@istenmay I honestly blocked you but you have the audacity to tell other readers who are TRYING TO HELP you because you are irresponsible in doing you free card pulls and clearly you are doing this for clout. Don't you have respect to readers who actually pour their time--
--and effort in doing card pulls and mini readings YET HERE YOU ARE, you keep on letting other people wait AND STARTING another giveaway without any response from the previous one. @seliniantarot was so polite to tell you on instagram because your DMs were disabled. No one would-
-be subtweeting you like this and we would love to message you privately yet you are the one here who has the guts to be mad?! Girl, are u ok??? You can't giveaway readings just for clout especially when you do sht like 5k follower goals with just trash content. People here are-
-trying to help you and we all are concerned. You were too hostile even to @thelightwitch. You have the audacity to tell that we are not supportive? Girl, you did WRONG and we are trying to help you. This is not an issue on crab mentality. We are concerned but you are taking -
-this negatively. Some of my followers ARE WAITING for you response so at least be polite to them because they also spent time to reply to your clout chasing ass.
**your lol hahahaha
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