This big shift highlights the need to permanently eliminate drug tests from @NYSDOCCS. Instead of doubling down on punitive approaches to drugs w unreliable tests, DOCCS should ensure incarcerated ppl who are involved w drugs have access to evidence-based care & harm reduction
According to @NYSDOCCS *own data*, 80% of people in NYS correctional facilities are in need of substance use disorder treatment. DOCCS reports indicate that, of incarcerated people ID'ed as needing treatment, MORE THAN HALF weren't receiving any services or were on a waiting list
This is despite global health entities like the World Health Organization, United Nations Office on Drug Crime, and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS recognizing the value of opioid substitution treatment and supporting its expansion in correctional settings.
Once incarcerated in one of New York’s jails, some opioid-dependent individuals are forced to undergo abrupt opioid withdrawal, which poses considerable health concerns due to the range of accompanying physical and psychological symptoms.
The lack of quality correctional medical and addiction care, in tandem with the deleterious and unhygienic conditions in correctional institutions, can lead to fatal withdrawals as demonstrated by several high-profile cases/deaths in correctional facilities in the US.
. @NYSDOCCS have yet to adopt scientific-based treatment for opioid dependence - despite the known risks associated w the denial of evidence-based treatment in correctional facilities, the successes of the few programs that allow MAT in corrections + efficacy in community setting
That's why we support the bill co-sponsored by @jamaaltbailey & @LindaBRosenthal (A.833-B/S.2161-B to establish medication-assisted treatment for incarcerated ppl in @NYSDOCCS state and county facilities & provide urgently-needed care.
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