When people bring up property damage or the possibility of income loss as evidence of how silly protests are, it really makes it clear that they've never dealt with offenses that are morally unbearable
It's really impossible to adequately explain the exhausting reality of seeing police kill Black people, having the militarized police mobilize to protect their ability to kill with no consequence, and then also have white supremacists gunning down protestors
And knowing that even the rules of the acceptable response to the constant killings is a trap. There's never a such thing as peaceful protest, because the nature of it infuriates the killers, who have the power of the state. The more peaceful, the easier to dismiss and suppress.
But show any anger, and the whole media apparatus mobilizes to dismiss the anger as purposeless and violent, working to justify whatever police decide to people. And then of course they'll have the nerve to tweet their shock when police even attacks them.
And you show this to supposed allies. The history of such an unbearable situation. And they tell you that the answer is giving police more money and bias training. It's again, such an incredibly absurd situation that it's a shock that people aren't constantly driven mad by it.
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