शृंखला, ज्वाला जी
Thread on Jwala Ji

बिना घी, तेल या गैस के जलती हैं ज्वालाएँ...ज्वाला जी 🙏

Eternal flames burn without oil or gas... Jwalaji 🙏

🌷🌲🚩🚩 𝑱𝒂𝒊 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒂 𝑫𝒆𝒆🚩🚩🌲🌷
Jawala Ji or Jwala devi temple is one of the 51 Shaktipeeths and is situated on Shivalik range of Kangra valley called “Kalidhar”. Believed to be the first ever temple built by Pandavas and is dedicated to Mother Durga. Obviously, that’s not the current building.
One Raja Bhumi Chand is supposed to have built first temple, according to a legend. (timeline not found).;He called 2 saints, Pt. Shridhar and Pt. Kamlapati to perform the puja at that place. It is said that the present priests of this temple are descendants of these two saints.
History: Sati, upon seeing her beloved husband, Bhagwan Shiva being insulted at her father’s house during a yagna festival, left her body by invoking yogagni upon herself. When Shiva heard of this incidence, he was enraged. He picked up her body and began to wander around the -
three worlds. In order to invoke Shiva’s detachment for Sati’s body, Shri Hari cut up her body into pieces using his Sudarshan chakra. Wherever the 51 pieces fell, Shaktipeeths were manifested. At Jawalaji fell her tongue and Mother Sati manifests herself here as flames.
The Mughal Emperor Akbar once tried to Put out Jwala Ji by covering her with an iron disk but Jwala Ji burst through iron disk. He tried to immerse them in water but effort turned out to be futile.  Jwala ji kept burning through water.
Even today there is a small hole filled with water in the temple and as soon as priest shows light, water catches fire. I have seen this when I visited last. Akbar then presented a golden parasol [also referred to as a chattar] but due to arrogance in his attitude, -
gold turned to another metal, which still remains unknown.
Some people say it’s the underground gas that burns at Jwala Ji temple. But my question is, if there was gas, all flames would burn in the same colour. Here we have flames in dark blue, bright orange, pale yellow -
and other different colours depending on the form of Devi a particular flame represents. For example, mother kali is represented in dark blue flame. So how can there be so many different kind of gases packed there in such a small area?  More over see a report here...
Here is a shahad from dasam granth, written by Guru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj... praising Durga in her various forms and in form of shakti... also as weapons like talvar, teer.

“Sada Jai Bhagoti”, Bhagoti being pronunciation of Bhagwati in Punjabi.

In the you tube bhajan above, At 8:48 you can hear writer’s name being confirmed & at 12:09 Guru Sahib offers “namo” to jwala Ji as “Namo jiva Jwalamukahi jiun Balanti” balanti in punjabi is burning.

Naman to live fires burning as jwala ji, mother Durga in jwala form.
Credits for Jwala Ji Thread:
Images from internet
Material paraphrased by me in my words.
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