I would like to share a video for consideration.

There are many people who are struggling to understand the US draconian policy that just cut millions of of them US benefits for COVid and have left people hanging.

Many can’t pay rent or buy food for their families.
The reality of the situation hasn’t yet sunk in.

They are in denial. It won’t be long before millions of people are homeless and starving.
But I believe I know what this policy is meant to do. The video I’m going to share describes a similar situation. It happened in 19th century in Ireland. Not a pandemic, but a food security emergency.
If you watch the video, you can see the plans of the Trump administration and Mitch McConnell’s Senate.

The British government refused to aid the Irish. Stating laissez faire~free market beliefs that the market would resolve the issue.
Millions of people died from starvation, exposure, and communicable diseases.

Hatred of Catholic Irish was quite prevalent in North America after the Irish Potato Famine. Until the 1970’s, discrimination against Catholics of Irish descent was standard in the US & Canada.
My father in law was refused promotions and rejected by several industries before getting an entry level job at CN as a secretary in 1950’s Montreal. It took him years before he was ever considered for a promotion. Both Francophone and Irish were blocked from advancement.
It wasn’t until the 1970’s that started to shift.

That’s over 100 years that the impact of the Irish Potato Famine impacted immigrants to North America who fled Ireland to escape starvation.
But watch the video. Listen to the arguments given by 1840’s British government officials.

It’s the same rhetoric, almost word for word, that is being echoed by Republicans and conservative now.
Alberta, Ontario, Manitoba, Quebec & Saskatchewan are all governed by Far Right laissez faire premiers.

You want to know when premiers are going to pony up assistance for those suffering from COVid impact? Never.
The far right has adopted the extreme beliefs and values of laissez faire free market.

Starving or homeless is not going to sway policy. Appealing to cold heartless government MLAs will not work.

This is a far right government’s solution to crises. Ignore it.
People will die, get sick, become homeless. They don’t care.

Low taxes and keeping wealth in the hands of the wealthy and corporations is the priority. Compassion is for the charitable. The far right rejects the responsibility for social safety net.
Think I’m stretching it? Every conservative premier is failing to provide a safe environment for back to school. The federal government is providing $2Billion to assist school opening safety.

Because conservative premiers refuse to provide appropriate aid to meet safety needs.
It’s the same mind set as the Irish Potato Famine. Industry continues to profit while general public are left to starve, get sick, die or move elsewhere.

Complete abandonment of social responsibility to assist those in need and consequentialist approach to health & safety.
Conservatives don’t care. If people die, so be it.

That’s what Trump has chosen as official federal policy. That’s what Conservative Premiers have chosen to stand firm on refusing to help. Well, except for the rich and corporations.
We need to push back on the conservatives and demand they step down or change their Policies.

These policies are designed to kill. School policy is designed to exacerbate the spread of COVid and kill children, teachers & their families.
Seriously people. Take a look at the video & compare.
You can follow @sunnshiiny.
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