2/ BD & Quidel rapid tests can't do frequent home screening as needed to really paralyze transmission because (1) they require devices that are difficult to scale to every home & (2) require nasal swabs & processing steps that may be difficult for many people to do on their own
3/ The Abbott test is similarly not authorized for home use but its big advance is that it doesn't require a device like BD & Quidel do

However, it still seems less than ideal for home use because it still requires nasal swabs & further processing steps

4/ With that said, given the crunch that we're in, from what I've seen so far, it seems like it *could* conceivably be used in homes

Doing so would require a massive education & training effort & would be akin to people learning to use a new tool+recipe fundamental to daily life
5/ That is doable but tests that are easier to use (saliva, fewer steps), mass produce (>50m/day rather than 50m/month) & used frequently - even if less accurate - seem likely to be better & more reliable for implementing the population-wide screening that can stop this epidemic
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