Late night random thoughts time:
Prompted by lots of lookign at Sleepaway and other games of similar flavour, I've just been thrown down memory lane of my one proper summer camp experience of my childhood.
A lot of classic childhood/teen stuff I kinda missed out on but oh well
I mean there was lots of embarrassing moments. Like when.. 13ish? yo me decided I'm gonna fall in love with the 4+years older camp counselor? God I still cringe but tbh I did a lot of grand proclamations to crushes who were barely aware of my existence in my teens anyhooo
I realise I can still draw a map of the whole camp, some of the outlying fields, and the road to town, the layout of our cabin, which bed I was in, where there were tree roots growing thru the basketball "court". Layout mapping and visual memory of places is my most robust sense.
I was in a cabin with 2 of my pals and 2 randos? I ran a super daft Endival campaign (the one Bulgarian ttrpg with any traction at the time). I still remember how I did a classic me "great hook, big mystery, I have no idea what the answer is" story. Folks were a bit mad at me 😅
One morning a little Sparrow flew into our cabin. It flew from cupboard to window sill to my pillow panicking until it eventually found its way out. It pooped on my pillow. When I had to explain to the Adult what had happened she looked skeptical at me as if I'm making it up.
I had a pillow with bird poop on it how would I falsify that???? Anyway.
What was I on about?
Yeah I was feeling wistful abt missed childhood experiences.
Or cringing at the ones I did have 😂
Or appreciating my incredibly map-based memory. If only I could draw well....
But maybe that's why pbta games appeal to me? Draw maps leave blanks? That's what my brain does anyway. If you made it thru this thread - thank you, it wasn't going anywhere, now enjoy this small map I badly doodled on top of a plant photo
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