Throughout her handling of the Coronavirus epidemic, South Dakota @govkristinoem explained her policies by rooting them in Constitutional principles. Tonight she begins the third night of the RNC with a speech focused on founding principles and what government by the people means
Gov. Noem and Sen. Marsha Blackburn both talked about everyday Americans as common heroes. Now Rep. Daniel Crenshaw, injured in Afghanistan, says we are a country of heroes.
"Heroism is self-sacrifice, not moralizing and lecturing over others when they disagree. Heroism is grace, not perpetual outrage. Heroism is grace, not perpetual outrage.
Heroism is rebuilding our communities, not destroying them." -- @RepDanCrenshaw
"Over past 3.5 years, I have witnessed every major foreign policy and national security decision by POTUS. I have been in the room where it happened. I saw only one agenda and one guiding question when tough calls had to be made…is this decision right for America?" Keith Kellogg
"When Trump took office, decades of failed foreign policy had crippled us. He faced wars without end in sight, creation of failed states like Libya and Syria, a past that allowed a terrorist caliphate to grow, and leadership in Washington that allowed our military to atrophy..."
Kellogg, mentioning demolishing of ISIS caliphate and elimination of al-Baghdadi and Qasim Soleimani, work on NATO and China, says: "But make no mistake, @POTUS is no hawk. He wisely wields the sword when required, but believes in seeking peace instead of perpetual conflict."
Kellogg: "our President brokered a peace agreement between UAE and Israel, the 1st in Middle East in over 25 years...And this week Afghan negotiators with help from American officials, will start peace negotiations between the Taliban and Afghan govt to end America’s longest war"
Kellogg: "Ask yourself, has this President kept his promises…to keep us out of needless conflicts and to pursue ending wars without end? Has he defended your interests in renegotiating trade deals that previously hurt Americans and our national security?"
Now Tera Myers, School Choice Advocate and mother of Samuel, who has Down syndrome. Says doctors tried to get her to kill him in utero but Trump supported her work and invited Samuel to WH.
Kayleigh McEnany talking about cancer survivors as heroes. Telling her story about testing positive for BRCA2. Talking about the support she received from POTUS and says he supports everyone like this.
"is there a Third Lady?" -- question from one of the little people I'm watching this with. We're watching Karen Pence talk about military spouses as heroes.
Kellyanne Conway: "For many of us, 'women’s empowerment' is not a slogan. It comes not from strangers on social media or sanitized language in a corporate handbook. It comes from the everyday heroes who nurture us, who shape us, and who believe in us."
Kellyanne Conway: This is the man I know and the President we need. He picks the toughest fights and tackles the most complex problems. He has stood by me, and he will stand up for you.
Sister Byrne: I must confess that I recently prayed while in chapel, begging God to allow me to be a voice and instrument for human life, and now here I am, speaking at the Republican National Convention.
I guess you better be careful for what you pray for!
Sister Byrne: "And while we tend to think of the marginalized as living beyond our borders, the truth is, the largest marginalized group in the world can be found in the United States. They are the unborn."
"As followers of Christ, we are called to stand up for life and against the politically correct or fashionable today. We must fight against a legislative agenda that supports and even celebrates destroying life in the womb."
Sister Deirdre Byrne: "As a physician, I can say unequivocally life begins at conception.
While what I have to say may be difficult for some to hear, I am saying it because I’m not just pro-life, I’m pro-eternal life and I want all of us to end up in heaven someday together."
Sister Byrne: "Which brings me to why I’m here tonight. Donald Trump is the most pro-life President that this nation has ever had, defending life at all stages. His belief in the sanctity of life transcends politics."
"President Trump will stand up against Biden/Harris who are the most anti-life presidential ticket ever, even supporting the horrors of late-term abortion and infanticide." -- Sister Byrne
Lou Holtz talks about how he was raised to believe in personal responsibility and sacrifice for the country. "there are people today; like politicians, professors and protestors and of course President Trump’s naysayers in the media who like to blame others for problems"
Holtz says "They don’t have pride in our country. And because they no longer ask 'what can I do for my country, only what the country should be doing for them,' they don’t have pride in themselves."
Holtz says he is for Trump because of "Trust. Commitment. Love." "Can you imagine what would happen to us if President Trump had not shown up in 2016 to run for President? I am so glad he showed up."
Michael McHale, president of National Association of Police Organizations, explains his group's endorsement of President Trump. "when it comes to rogue police, let me be clear: nobody hates bad cops more than good cops."
McHale: The differences between Trump Pence and Biden Harris are crystal clear. Your choice between the most pro-law enforcement president we've ever had and the most radical anti-police ticket.
Youngest Republican woman elected to Congress in history speaking now. @EliseStefanik. Says impeachment was an attack not just on POTUS but the American people.
"Yet, today political forces want to usher in the digital dark ages – a time of information without wisdom and tribalism without truth." -- Madison Cawthorn
Jack Brewer, NFL player and lifelong Democrat, says he's supporting Trump. "I know what racism looks like. I've seen it first hand... I'm fed up with way he's treated in media, who refuse to acknowledge what he's done for black community."
"Are you going to allow the media to lie to you" about Charlottesville hoax? Brewer asks. Points out that BLM opposes the norm of the nuclear family on its website.
Jack Brewer is stealing the show. Powerful speech. WOW.
Now Chen Guancheng! "Standing up to tyranny is not easy. I know." Persecuted for speaking out against China's One Child policy. "The CCP is enemy of humanity. It's terrorizing its own people. It is threatening the way of being of the world."
"The US must use its values of freedom, democracy and the rule of law to counter" CCP aggression. "President Trump has led on this and we need other countries to join him in this fight, a fight for our future." -- Guangcheng.
"Standing up is not easy. But President Trump has shown the courage to lead this fight." Says people need to vote for Trump to "save the world." Cheng Guangcheng.
Sen. Joni Ernst now speaking. Says Obama-Biden was hostile to farmers. Says Green New Deal would essentially ban animal agriculture.
"Any preconceived notion I had of this family disappeared immediately." Lara Trump on meeting her husband and his family.
"this is an election that will decide if we keep America America, or if we head down an uncharted, frightening path towards socialism." -- Lara Trump
"In recent months, we have seen weak, spineless politicians cede control of our great American cities to violent mobs. Defund the police is the rallying cry for the new, radical Democrat Party. Joe Biden will not do what it takes to maintain order." -- Lara Trump
Sam Vigil, whose wife was killed last year, describes how Operation Legend has helped begin to solve her killing.
"Biden had audacity to say if you don’t vote for him 'you ain’t black.' Well to that I say, if you do vote for Biden, you don't know history! Trump is not a politician. He is a leader. Politicians are dime-a-dozen; leaders are priceless." Clarence Henderson of 1960 Greensboro.
"These achievements demonstrate that Trump truly cares about black lives. His policies show his heart. He has done more for black Americans in four years than Joe Biden has done in 50! Donald Trump is offering real and lasting change . . . an unprecedented opportunity to rise"
Ric Grenell: Prior to Trump, "no candidate could bring themselves to admit that something had gone badly wrong with American foreign policy. That the American voter, the American soldier, and the American taxpayer, had all been let down."
"He called America’s endless wars what they were: A disaster." -- Ric Grenell on Trump
"Democrats & Republicans in DC bought into illusion that whole world would start to resemble America. And so they started to pursue unlimited globalization. Welcomed China into WTO. They engaged in 'nation-building' in Afghanistan, and tried to export democracy to Iraq." Grenell
Trump's "always made clear our priority is American people’s security... And we’ve seen how strategy has succeeded. In 4 years, Trump has led even some Washington Dems to agree on Chinese threat. On trade deals that benefit Americans first. On alliances that share responsibility"
"In four years, Donald Trump didn’t start any new wars. He brought troops home. He rebuilt the military, and signed peace deals that make Americans safer."
"The DC crowd thinks when they call Donald Trump a nationalist, they’re insulting him.
As if the American president isn’t supposed to base foreign policy on America’s national interests!"
"Don’t be fooled - the Washington establishment is trying to sell you on their candidate. Joe Biden was first elected to the Senate in 1972! 48 years ago!"
"Obama-Biden secretly launched a surveillance operation on Trump campaign, silenced the many brave intelligence officials who spoke up against it. They presented bogus information as facts. They lied to judges. Then they classified anything that undermined their case."
"And after Donald Trump won the election, when they should have continued the American tradition of helping the president-elect transition into the White House, they tried instead to undercut him even more." Grenell on Russia collusion hoax
Pence says that Democrats spent four days attacking America at their convention. "We need a president who believes in America," Pence says.
Pence jokes that he might be his mom's second-favorite candidate on the Trump-Pence ticket. She laughs.
"When he has an opinion. He's liable to share it. He's certainly kept things interesting. But more importantly, he’s kept his word." Pence on Trump.
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