Don’t agree ONE TINY BIT.

Are we at a “class” war or a race war? Poll below, plz vote & RT. Seems “race war” to getting too close to truth to report. Poor people aren’t out shooting rich. To assume all BLM/Antifa is poor, and all good patriots are rich is to assume WRONG.
Race war or class war?
A lot of Patriot moms 🙋🏼‍♀️ felt it was more important to stay home & raise our children, giving up on using that degree & a career, because how dare I thought my kids were more important than owning a “better” car or a “better” house. You can’t buy “better” kids. That’s on ME.
That’s on ME (& my amazing husband & my amazing ex husband, yes you read that right) to raise them. We aren’t rich, but my 4 daughters have 2 daddies in their lives who love them & teach them the right things. We simply put our kids and their issues and their education FIRST.
To suggest this is a “class war” would be to suggest what, my family & I should be out protesting? Because we don’t own BMWs & mansions? THAT’S pretty damned offensive to me. It’s a RACE WAR, @TuckerCarlson, if you’re scared to accurately report it, SAY SO. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤨
You can follow @Redheaded_Jenn.
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