… and same.
It’s hard to go through a run of weeks like what we’ve had this summer without feeling the onset of an awareness that the American way of life, itself, is failing.
Right now, we can watch a convention of people addicted to that way of life, as they’ve understood it — insistent that all is working fine, and nothing should change.

That the result is such a garish, preposterous spectacle should tell us something.
Anyhow, I have no idea when the country hits bottom: when a critical mass accepts the increasingly shrill alerts that we can’t go on, as a nation, living like this.

But I hope it’s soon — because until we reach that point, all this will only get worse.
Make a plan to vote, everyone.
Look at this Frenchman, stealing my lines.
Ah, here goes that message from the GOP: all is working fine, and nothing needs to change.
In the meantime, as Pence prepares to deliver a formal speech insisting that nothing needs to change:
I’ll co-sign this thread.
This thread, too.

Here’s to having compassion for ourselves, and for each other, as we fumble through this. We’re going to need that.
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