Some days whiteness crushes my spirit.

There’s all this praise for the gop convention when these ppl put brown kids in cages and killed 177k of us through negligence.

A white supremacist shot at protestors who were protesting a black man being shot in the back by cops.
And the white police chief acting as though the protesters had it coming.

White people in media pretending no one cares about the hatch act, when they got us to care about servers.
White people on the left pretending that Biden is not good enough to vote for, knowing our lives are at stake. Knowing the deep harm that has already happened to us under trump and still threatening to withhold their vote.

Watching whiteness is exhausting.
Wtf is wrong with you, that you see 177k Americans die under this president, children in cages, gorsuch and Kavanaugh on the courts, and you’re withholding your vote????

Y’all are some sick fucks.
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