Please stop softening the way you talk about building muscle for women. Stop with the “booty lifting,” “building curves,” “lean muscle” nonsense. Yes women, we can fucking BUILD AND GROW MUSCLE, PERIOD.
You can EAT MORE and LIFT HEAVY WEIGHTS to BUILD MUSCLE. You can BUILD STRENGTH. Shit, you can even be BULKY if u fuckin wanna be !!!
The whole “lifting weights won’t make u bulky” line is trash because it implies there is something inherently wrong with a woman being densely muscular with a higher body fat percentage. Not every woman can be or wants to be lean and muscular at the same time.
If u want to be lean and muscular that’s YOUR CHOICE baby. If you don’t want to diet and reduce your body size, you don’t have to. You CAN BUILD MUSCLE AND GET STRONG AF AND GET BIGGER. Why the Fuck not!
Don’t avoid training your upper body just because you’re afraid of having broad shoulders or “man pecs.” It doesn’t work like that lol. Lifting weights will only add more shape and “firm” appearance to your body. If you are naturally broad or self-conscious about your shape,
Focus a bit more on the areas you’d like to add size and shape to in order to balance things out. But don’t neglect ANY body part. Having balanced strength from head to toe is important for posture and injury prevention 🥰
And I understand some women DO NOT want to be visibly muscular—that’s ok, this thread isn’t really for you. But understand that lower body fat percentage is really what makes people “look” muscular, because that’s when more lines and muscle definition SHOWS.
You can train hard and focus on getting really strong without looking “muscular.” If you have enough body fat, you’re not going to have cuts in your arms and legs, you’ll still have a fat butt, and a “softer” look.
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