Porn is the new cigarette.

Remember how accepted cigs once were?
Back when my parents were in high school

It was normal for 14 year olds to smoke... even at school!

The kids actually got cigarette breaks during the school day.

How insane is that compared to today's standards?
That's exactly where pornography is right now.

The masses have widely accepted it.

It used to be something that was kind of "hush-hush."

Now it's spoken about openly and some even have a twisted sense of pride towards it.
What the masses have yet to realize is this:

It's having a MASSIVE negative impact on people, especially men.. but women too.

It's causing problems in relationships.

Harming people's brain chemistry by wrecking the dopamine reward center.
Creating socially anxious and awkward men.

Warping perceptions of women.

Reducing men's natural drive to pursue intimacy with something other than a computer screen.

It's even causing sexual dysfunctions.

Should an 18 year old be able to have erectile dysfunction?
Absolutely fucking not - not usually.

But because of porn this problem is much more common than you might expect.

It's absolutely insidious.

People are starting to wake up to the truth thankfully.

But there's still a long way to go.

So let's keep fighting the good fight.
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