So I’m here at the terf industrial complex and the lady who does the train voiceover announcements seems to have been hired to tell us we will be recorded! Exciting!

It’s started!

We are all being thanked for attending by Adrian Daub!
There are 470 people in the zoom but 1000 people RSVP’d. So some of them are presumably going to turn up late to make an entrance.

The author of histories of the transgender child, Jill something, just got introduced.

Then Marcus,

Then Grace.
Adrian: what kind of figure is a terf and where do you encounter them?

Jill is talking about “the terf that lives inside my head”.

Who needs a bedsit eh when you can get a place rent free.

The white mom has already been raised as being terrified of her child being trans.
Marcus wants to answer the same question!

“The terf is a nuisance. A kind of perverse gadfly” but he doesn’t want to just say that because we are WORSE than that.

“The terf as a figure seems important because the terf serves as the affirmation of the golden years of feminist..
activism which contrasts with the too fairness of current radical trans feminist activism”.

No one can type this fast but none of the words are meaning so much so you’re not missing it, but I will give you “titular feminism”.
Grace says terfs are a psychic reality for trans people.
“Why is this group so powerful but understands itself as so powerless” Grace Asks.

@janeclarejones got a mention *everyone drinks*.

There’s three types of us. ...GC feminists (hence JCJ)
anti woke/alt right trolls are the second kind apparently.

Graham Linehan is alt right appaz. You heard it here first.

The third part of the terf industrial complex is apparently the liberal institutionalists wanting to protect liberal institutions
We just got called money launderers

What do words mean.
Someone tweeted “Fighting terfs is a bit like a white trans issue”

Jill thinks there is a broader question. “The regulation of human life disproportionately affects trans people”
Jill Notices how black and brown trans people don’t mention terfs but has spun this to them not being worth harassment from us rather than them having way more important things to do than be misogynist to women.
Jill: “At least since the 19th century the direct provenance of white feminism is to pursue white supremacy”

Apparently why white women have stepped up.
Marcus: the power terfs have or deploy or subject themselves to comes from their ability to manoeuvres through normative ways of thinking.

(He talks so fast....)

Translates into a power to stall trans feminist insurrection
Still Marcus: Terfs have the power to renatrualise the stranglehold of the gender binary. The power to proliferate violence on a broad scale.
Grace: the whole sideshow of the spectacular forms of cruelty that are exhibited everyday by the terf industrial complex is a sideshow but the real work is upholding the patriarchy.

I think she just said we uphold the prison complex too.

Questions like the difference between sex and gender have no impact on her life.

Apparently we erase questions like “how do we abolish the police state”, “how do we decrimalise sex work” “how do we provide better health care”

We prefer “what if someone had an xx chromosome...”
My boyfriend just messaged me (he’s here too):

I’d rather address the everyday issues trans people face than have to argue they aren’t women.
but it's about validation not actual progress making
Jill thinks the gender critical moms are worried about trans masculine ppl

The spectre of Karens is clearly being raised at this point.But also gender critical moms need to be a football team

Apparently we’re being enlisted to act against the interests of our own class 👀
Can we please hurry up and get to the part of this century where people speak in coherent sentences that all follow on from one another without grandiose statements?

Jill lives between the poles of life and death. She’s not entirely alive but she is not dead.
Grace says trans people deserves metaphysics.

I feel this should be a t shirt.
She’s going to talk about metaphysics now.

I’m going to be looking at her dog who is super cute and tiny and definitely cares about women’s rights. For sure.
“The profound and bizarre anti philistinism of the anti trans movement”.

Ooh. Burn.

The philistines were actually really clever and much maligned.

Much like the terven ;)
Grace “the question of whether trans women are women or not is primarily a concern of white trans women”.
My boyfriend thinks it was Jill who said that (I was typing and listening, not watching) and Jill is really called Jules.

I’m now that person at the party who calls someone by the WRONG name all night.
Marcus wants to make the very logic terfism rests on IMPOSSIBLE
Apparently our money is funded through Latin America!!!! And right wing organisations!!!!
We get into bed with alt right people, according to grace.

Although our alliance with them is “now beginning to fracture”.
Last question (I think)

“What is the role of the child in this?”

“To what extent is the figure of the trans child a concern here”
Jules: gender really hinges on a concept of childhood, on a concept of development....there are reasons children are central targets....keep your eye on’s the rub....
Now she’s raising the case of a young person who wanted to use a certain bathroom and what litigating does to your childhood.

I think she just said trans children are the condensation point of all this.
We are part of a movement that seeks the “eradication of a whole group of children”.
Adrian: what is the future of this confrontation

Marcus: the future is being lived now
Also his name is definitely Marquis. I am GREAT with names.

Jules: the future is what we are already doing now.

What are these answers?

This isn’t how time works.
Grace: the future is here and we are living it.


Just mentioned some proper british ladies in their fifties who care about their daughter’s haircuts.

I think....guys.....I think she means us.
Grace is now telling terfs off for “spamming” the Q and A. Bad terfs.

Oooh she did a swear.

I think she’s disheartened by the lack of adoration.

I haven’t asked a question but “when did you last have a cup of tea and also try to see women as whole people?” would be up there.
Adrian wants us to get new material.

They’re stopping the recording.

But wait...l know some knock knock jokes.
So we didn’t learn anything about the terf industrial complex but we did learn how bitter they felt about us

Which was interesting. And,honestly,kind of sad

Showing women even a modicum of respect would have meant none of these conversations would be being had by most of us 🤷‍♀️
I’m uploading an audio only version of the whole thing to YouTube if you want your own migraine.

Also I cough through some of it. Sorry in advance.

Will post the link when it’s done as the last tweet to this thread.
My boyfriend says this is “cassette tape quality” but it is still easy to hear what is being said.
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