For @PatrickGunnels

He's talking about the rioters.

We the sane can't grasp this.

Our sanity prevents us from understanding the mindset.

But you're lucky.

I wasn't always sane, so I can explain.
I was never INSANE; I existed in a state BETWEEN sanity and insanity.

But through very hard work, I was able to junk the diseased parts of my mind.

I inherited my father and mother's willpower, so I was able to do it.
As they say, the first step is recognizing that you have a problem.

I never fully recovered, of course.

The damage was too great.

But I defied medical science by curing myself of psychopathy and antisocial disorder.

Here's the secret:

My total lack of connection.
I was blessed with a powerful intellect and the ability to see from the age of four that I was completely abnormal.

The abnormality was purely environmental.

Because I KNEW right away that I was abnormal, I never had the desire to connect.
Even the sickest people still want human connection, if only to dominate and punish.

I always knew that my problems were my own. Punishing the world for what happened to ME would be evil.

And I didn't want to be evil.

I always knew right from wrong.
Part of what saved me was being a permanent target of predators.

I knew EXACTLY what it was like to suffer at the hands of others.

Therefore I could never cause others to feel the same pain inflicted on me.

I was never bitter. NEVER.

I had no desire for revenge.
All I wanted was to SOMEDAY find a haven.

I was lucky: Throughout my life, a steady progression of individuals were kind to me.

A kid saved me from psychotic school predators.

A man took me on a nocturnal canoe ride.

Two men befriended me out of the blue.
And so on.

It was enough.

I MADE THAT HAPPEN, in that I never REFUSED the rare outreach.

It's likely that I'm totally unique.

Generally what happens is that screwed-up people look for tribes.

They lose themselves in fantasies of meaningfulness.
Their beliefs become their identities.

The tribe is all.

So these rioters are delusional. They're not thinking AT ALL. They simply do as the tribe does.

The rifle doesn't register.

They want to abolish the police, and they scream, "Call the cops!" when one of them is shot.
The cops are being ordered to not use ANY force against arsonists and looters.

It was inevitable that weak-minded people who come out and shoot them.

There are people in my comment sections who are as cognitively rigid as the rioters.
HERE'S the way to defend your businesses with firearms.

Remain silent and hidden, and snipe.

Get a scope-mounted .22 rifle and practice your marksmanship.

Aim for the legs.

Wait until they've committed to the arson or vandalism.
The Israelis do that.

In every riot so far, business owners have been attacked AFTER defending themselves with firearms.

Can't you see what's happening in the videos?

Unarmed people are saying, "Shoot me! Shoot me!"

Why can't you process that?
Nothing is real to these people.

It's all a movie or a computer game.

The guy who the kid from Illinois shot in the arm was screaming his head off.

The police shooting in Kenosha happened because the guy simply refused to submit under any circumstances.


Remember the Epic Beard Man video?

Remember was happened when Epic Beard Man defended himself?

Sure, it was funny, but it was also chilling.

Nobody was able to think.

They were ALL existing in the moment.

And that's why unarmed rioters actually get MORE violent when confronted by armed men.

They don't think, "I could get shot!"

They don't think at all.
Brandishing weapons worked in the past, but it doesn't work now.

That's why if you USE a firearm to defend your property, you MUST remain hidden from sight.

If they SEE you, they'll come back.

If they can't figure out what even happened, they'll stay away.
Think of the rioters as being in a state of road rage.

Mentally impaired people tanked up on deranged ideology and rage are not reachable.

They won't even TALK to you. They say that because of your THOUGHTS, you must be killed.

And NOW, they're not even accepting CONVERTS.

I say again, the era of the Roof Koreans is OVER.

Rioters in 1992 were RATIONAL.

The current crop are essentially homeless lunatics.

For 27 years now, emergency-room staff say that the people who scream the loudest when brought in shot are...gangbangers.

It goes back to ONE MOVIE.

They all watch it.

Scarface (1983).
He's hit about 100 times, mostly with high-velocity, heavy caliber rifle bullets.

So gangsters think THEY can absorb that many rounds and live.

Hollywood always talks about "flesh wounds."

Most rifle shots to the extremities do permanent damage.
If they hit the BONE, you'll probably lose that arm or leg.

And rifle shots to the upper and/or lower body usually destroy internal organs.


I guess you have to have experienced what I did in my childhood:

Human bodies ripped to pieces, one way or another.
For the first time ever, someone published a video of a person being disemboweled alive.

I watched it because the victim was a Mexican cartel member.

He was either heavily drugged or had been rendered semiconscious.

He had no reaction. I thought he was dead at first.
I saw that happen to people who had NOT been rendered semiconscious. I was in the room.

The screams are worse than the sights.

Having experienced the worst of everything had the perverse effect of making me appreciate ANYTHING not-horrible.
Such as a single pale-yellow butterfly.

The zombie rioters are not sentient. They've been trained to not think.

One of the goals is to get a bunch of them mowed down.

Because of tribalism, wavering leftists would go back into the arms of leftism.
Luckily the feds are now in Kenosha, so the rule of law will be restored.

You need to be objective.

You need to be able to criticize your own.

Reflexively defending a member of the tribe is not thinking.

It's blind tribalism.

I have no tribe. I'm a tribe of one.
The reason I support @realDonaldTrump is for YOU, not for me.

I could've remained on the sidelines, but it's not in my nature.

Trump is the real thing. So I need to support him.

After he's reelected, I'll think about my own future.

Right now, I'm thinking of YOU.
I'm not ATTACKING you.

I'm going to write a thread about the federal reserve after I have dinner.

I hope to get you to see that the alternative to the federal reserve is something you never even thought about.

The federal reserve keeps us free.
And I'm going to prove it to you.


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