#TERFIC is about to start. Sooooo excited, just moments away from grasping to true vastness of terf power.
#TERFIC *rubs thighs in excitement*
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470 people on zoom
#TERFIC Not seeing ANY females or feminists on this panel, so a little peeved that I am being lectured on how evil I am by MEN
Straight to transphobia and reducing life chances of trans people. Bloody witches.
Ah, Moms are scared of their children being trans.
A lot of random words being lumped into sentences at present...bear with me, it's been a long day
Ah TERFs conform to the patriarchy. Now wondering if I'm on the wrong zoom and TERF means something entirely different.
Oh TERF is a gadfly? Yep, I must be on the wrong call.
Pre-post structuralist nostalgia. Give me a break.
Aha, "how are they being so powerful"...the crux of the matter
Apparently we;re not actually powerless.
1) GC Feminists - nostalgic 2nd wavey feminist, endures,
2) Anti-woke trolls - Glinner for example, deranged, extremely intense animus, anti-tras and links to alr-right
3) Leftists - links to communism,

Ah pact from all three is fracturing. This is going to hurt.
Kathleen Stock is part of the fracture, closure of GC sub-reddit also.
Liberal Institutionalists - some sense free speech is threatened, willing to go along with GCs unaware they are getting into bed with alt right trolls.
Ah we have a dept to Milo, apparently.
Power - does it come from the money-laundering.

What, wait, we money launder? FFS, I've been missing out on the fun
#TERFIC We've moved on to race. Naturally.
Black trans women don't register with terfs, of no value (not my words!)
While women are apparently the most aggrieved, pursue white supremacy. Fucking hell. We are just evil, aren't we? How did I not know this?
Truly, this offensive BS is quite shocking to hear. Basically white feminists could give no shit about other non-white people. We let others die, all about preservation of white women.
What are the ways terfs deploy power = comes from ability to manoevre through power, a power to stall trans feminist insurrection. *rolls eyes*
Terfs we proliferate violence. Sorry.
We are the background noise that allows violence, violation harm.
Spectacular forms of cruelty exhibited daily by the #TERFIC,
reproduction of the patriarchy, makes life expendable of trans people.
Apologies. My terminals seems to have blown up my router.
Am I missing anything?
If I were paranoid I'd suggest Viegin zapped my router in the middle of finding out what my #TERFIC powers were ON PURPOSE! It's all a conspiracy.
Back online to hear "an absence of religion". GC feminists in middle are not evangelical Christians but the truly batshit terfs on edges are evangelical. Ah, we get to the money and funding and religion.
Terfs intersect with medical establishment (they keep repeating this and I have no idea what it means since terfs don't need medication), media, church etc
On to children, pays close attention...
Gender hinges a concept of childhood and how we become gendered. They are a target of political campaigns.
Gain Grim has been fighting to use boys room in federal Court, groups calling for eradication from the world and denying toilets
Transchildren are the condensation point...women and children, 2 forms of people that are least wanted (nice). Children also subjects of genocidal politics.
I think they are implying terfs are looking to eradicate transchildren. No, no idea how or why.
Future can be black or brown and for those of us in the know.
These people are on something, truly. Bloody Californians.
Terfs are British ladies in their 50s worried about their daughters haircuts
Oooh, Q&A box has apparently been spammed! The #TERFIC has struck! No idea what has been spammed. Evil Witches!
The future is now, the future is bright....ooo the speaker's screen freezes. So much for our bright future then
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