Can I please hand in my white card? I am f**king done with white people.
Here's a handy dandy cheat card.
They also need, no MUST receive anti racist training with de escalation techniques. They can't just be shooting everyone when they goddamn feel like it!!!! JFC! I don't believe they should have a gun on their person. They can have one in a safe in their f**king cars.
If ghere are people who push back because of the word "defund" try using these words.
It's not enough to just NOT be racist. You must be ANTI racist. Meaning help with systemic change. Make our system work for BIPOC instead of against them our system was built for white supremacy. Be an ally, white people! Use your privilege. Use your platform to ignite change.
K. Sorry. Not done ranting. And when people wear those "Back the Blue" shirts or say " All Lives Matter", they are really saying F**k all these people below that were murdered by the police.
I said what I said and you know I am right.
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